www.gusucode.com > opc 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > opc/opcdemo_defaultcallback.m

    %% Monitor Logging Progress with OPC Toolbox Callbacks
% This example shows you how to use callbacks to monitor an OPC Data Access logging task.
% Use callbacks to log or report events in a logging task, to update graphical user interfaces to
% show status of logging, or to graphically display logged data during the logging task.
% * <docid:opc_examples.example-ex84291595>

% Copyright 2004-2012 The MathWorks, Inc. 
% $Revision: $  $Date: 2012/08/01 00:52:21 $

%% Step 1: Configure OPC Toolbox Objects
% Create the client, connect, and create associated objects for a logging task.
da = opcda('localhost','Matrikon.OPC.Simulation.1');
grp = addgroup(da,'CallbackTest');
additem(grp,{'Random.Real8','Saw-toothed Waves.UInt2'});

%% Step 2: Configure the Logging Task Properties
% Set the group to acquire 20 records at 0.5 second intervals.
grp.RecordsToAcquire = 20;
grp.UpdateRate = 0.5;

%% Step 3: Configure the Callbacks
% Use the default callback, <matlab:open('opccallback') opccallback>, to display the start event
% (|StartFcn| property), the stop event (|StopFcn| property), and when each consecutive 5 records
% have been acquired (|RecordsAcquiredFcn| and |RecordsAcquiredFcnCount| properties).
grp.StartFcn = @opccallback;
grp.StopFcn = @opccallback;
grp.RecordsAcquiredFcn = @opccallback;
grp.RecordsAcquiredFcnCount = 5;

%% Step 4: Start the Logging Task
% Start the logging task, and wait for it to complete.

%% Step 5: Clean Up OPC Toolbox objects
% Disconnect the client from the server and remove OPC Toolbox(TM) objects from memory when you no
% longer need them. Deleting the client object also deletes the group and item objects.