www.gusucode.com > optim 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > optim/FactoryExample.m

    %% Factory, Warehouse, Sales Allocation Model
% This example shows how to set up and solve a mixed-integer linear
% programming problem. The problem is to find the optimal production and
% distribution levels among a set of factories, warehouses, and sales
% outlets.
% The example first generates random locations for factories, warehouses,
% and sales outlets. Feel free to modify the scaling parameter $N$, which
% scales both the size of the grid in which the production and distribution
% facilities reside, but also scales the number of these facilities so that
% the density of facilities of each type per grid area is independent of
% $N$.

%   Copyright 2014-2016 The MathWorks, Inc. 

%% Facility Locations
% For a given value of the scaling parameter $N$, suppose that there are
% the following:
% * $\lfloor fN^2\rfloor$ factories
% * $\lfloor wN^2\rfloor$ warehouses
% * $\lfloor sN^2\rfloor$ sales outlets
% These facilities are on separate integer grid points between 1 and $N$ in
% the $x$ and $y$ directions. In order that the facilities have separate
% locations, you require that $f+w+s \le 1$. In this example, take $N =
% 20$, $f = 0.05$, $w = 0.05$, and $s = 0.1$.
%% Production and Distribution
% There are $P$ products made by the factories. Take $P = 20$.
% The demand for each product $p$ in a sales outlet $s$ is $d(s,p)$. The
% demand is the quantity that can be sold in a time interval. One
% constraint on the model is that the demand is met, meaning the system
% produces and distributes exactly the quantities in the demand.
% There are capacity constraints on each factory and each warehouse.
% * The production of product $p$ at factory $f$ is less than $pcap(f,p)$.
% * The capacity of warehouse $w$ is $wcap(w)$.
% * The amount of product $p$ that can be transported from warehouse $w$ to
% a sales outlet in the time interval is less than $turn(p)*wcap(w)$, where
% $turn(p)$ is the turnover rate of product $p$.
% Suppose that each sales outlet receives its supplies from just one
% warehouse. Part of the problem is to determine the cheapest mapping of
% sales outlets to warehouses.
%% Costs
% The cost of transporting products from factory to warehouse, and from
% warehouse to sales outlet, depends on the distance between the
% facilities, and on the particular product. If $dist(a,b)$ is the distance
% between facilities $a$ and $b$, then the cost of shipping a product $p$
% between these facilities is the distance times the transportation cost
% $tcost(p)$:
% $dist(a,b)*tcost(p).$
% The distance in this example is the grid distance, also known as the
% $L_1$ distance. It is the sum of the absolute difference in $x$
% coordinates and $y$ coordinates.
% The cost of making a unit of product $p$ in factory $f$ is $pcost(f,p)$.
%% Optimization Problem
% Given a set of facility locations, and the demands and capacity
% constraints, find:
% * A production level of each product at each factory
% * A distribution schedule for products from factories to warehouses
% * A distribution schedule for products from warehouses to sales outlets
% These quantities must ensure that demand is satisfied and total
% cost is minimized. Also, each sales outlet is required to receive all its
% products from exactly one warehouse.
%% Variables and Equations for the Optimization Problem
% The control variables, meaning the ones you can change in the
% optimization, are
% * $x(p,f,w)$ = the amount of product $p$ that is transported from factory
% $f$ to warehouse $w$
% * $y(s,w)$ = a binary variable taking value 1 when sales outlet $s$ is
% associated with warehouse $w$
% The objective function to minimize is
% $$\sum_f \sum_p \sum_w x(p,f,w)\ \cdot\ (pcost(f,p) + tcost(p)\cdot
% dist(f,w))$$
% $$ + \sum_s \sum_w \sum_p (d(s,p)\ \cdot\ tcost(p)\ \cdot\
% dist(s,w)\ \cdot\ y(s,w)).$$
% The constraints are
% $\sum_w x(p,f,w) \le pcap(f,p)$ (capacity of factory).
% $\sum_f x(p,f,w) = \sum_s (d(s,p)\ \cdot\ y(s,w))$ (demand is met).
% $\sum_p \sum_s \frac{d(s,p)}{turn(p)}\ \cdot\ y(s,w) \le wcap(w)$
% (capacity of warehouse).
% $\sum_w y(s,w) = 1$ (each sales outlet associates to one warehouse).
% $x(p,f,w) \ge 0$ (nonnegative production).
% $y(s,w)\ \epsilon\ \{0,1\}$ (binary $y$).
% The variables $x$ and $y$ appear in the objective and constraint
% functions linearly. Because $y$ is restricted to integer values, the
% problem is a mixed-integer linear program (MILP).

%% Generate a Random Problem: Facility Locations
% Set the values of the $N$, $f$, $w$, and $s$ parameters, and generate the
% facility locations.

rng(1) % for reproducibility
N = 20; % N from 10 to 30 seems to work. Choose large values with caution.
N2 = N*N;
f = 0.05; % density of factories
w = 0.05; % density of warehouses
s = 0.1; % density of sales outlets

F = floor(f*N2); % number of factories
W = floor(w*N2); % number of warehouses
S = floor(s*N2); % number of sales outlets

xyloc = randperm(N2,F+W+S); % unique locations of facilities
[xloc,yloc] = ind2sub([N N],xyloc);

% Of course, it is not realistic to take random locations for facilities.
% This example is intended to show solution techniques, not how to generate
% good facility locations.
% Plot the facilities. Facilities 1 through F are factories, F+1 through
% F+W are warehouses, and F+W+1 through F+W+S are sales outlets.

h = figure;
lgnd = legend('Factory','Warehouse','Sales outlet','Location','EastOutside');
lgnd.AutoUpdate = 'off';
xlim([0 N+1]);ylim([0 N+1])

%% Generate Random Capacities, Costs, and Demands
% Generate random production costs, capacities, turnover rates, and
% demands.

P = 20; % 20 products

% Production costs between 20 and 100
pcost = 80*rand(F,P) + 20;

% Production capacity between 500 and 1500 for each product/factory
pcap = 1000*rand(F,P) + 500;

% Warehouse capacity between P*400 and P*800 for each product/warehouse
wcap = P*400*rand(W,1) + P*400;

% Product turnover rate between 1 and 3 for each product
turn = 2*rand(1,P) + 1;

% Product transport cost per distance between 5 and 10 for each product
tcost = 5*rand(1,P) + 5;

% Product demand by sales outlet between 200 and 500 for each
% product/outlet
d = 300*rand(S,P) + 200;

% These random demands and capacities can lead to infeasible problems. In
% other words, sometimes the demand exceeds the production and warehouse
% capacity constraints. If you alter some parameters and get an infeasible
% problem, during solution you will get an exitflag of -2.
%% Generate Objective and Constraint Matrices and Vectors
% The objective function vector |obj| in |intlincon| consists of the
% coefficients of the variables $x(p,f,w)$ and $y(s,w)$. So there are
% naturally |P*F*W + S*W| coefficients in |obj|.
% One way to generate the coefficients is to begin with a |P-by-F-by-W|
% array |obj1| for the $x$ coefficients, and an |S-by-W| array |obj2| for
% the $y(s,w)$ coefficients. Then convert these arrays to two vectors and
% combine them into |obj| by calling
% |obj = [obj1(:);obj2(:)];|

obj1 = zeros(P,F,W); % Allocate arrays
obj2 = zeros(S,W);

% Throughout the generation of objective and constraint vectors and
% matrices, we generate the $(p,f,w)$ array or the $(s,w)$ array, and then
% convert the result to a vector.
% To begin generating the inputs, generate the distance arrays
% |distfw(i,j)| and |distsw(i,j)|.

distfw = zeros(F,W); % Allocate matrix for factory-warehouse distances
for ii = 1:F
    for jj = 1:W
        distfw(ii,jj) = abs(xloc(ii) - xloc(F + jj)) + abs(yloc(ii) ...
            - yloc(F + jj));

distsw = zeros(S,W); % Allocate matrix for sales outlet-warehouse distances
for ii = 1:S
    for jj = 1:W
        distsw(ii,jj) = abs(xloc(F + W + ii) - xloc(F + jj)) ...
            + abs(yloc(F + W + ii) - yloc(F + jj));

% Generate the entries of |obj1| and |obj2|.

for ii = 1:P
    for jj = 1:F
        for kk = 1:W
            obj1(ii,jj,kk) = pcost(jj,ii) + tcost(ii)*distfw(jj,kk);

for ii = 1:S
    for jj = 1:W
        obj2(ii,jj) = distsw(ii,jj)*sum(d(ii,:).*tcost);

% Combine the entries into one vector.

obj = [obj1(:);obj2(:)]; % obj is the objective function vector

% Now create the constraint matrices.
% The width of each linear constraint matrix is the length of the |obj|
% vector.

matwid = length(obj);

% There are two types of linear inequalities: the production capacity
% constraints, and the warehouse capacity constraints.
% There are |P*F| production capacity constraints, and |W| warehouse
% capacity constraints. The constraint matrices are quite sparse, on the
% order of 1% nonzero, so save memory by using sparse matrices.

Aineq = spalloc(P*F + W,matwid,P*F*W + S*W); % Allocate sparse Aeq
bineq = zeros(P*F + W,1); % Allocate bineq as full

% Zero matrices of convenient sizes:
clearer1 = zeros(size(obj1));
clearer12 = clearer1(:);
clearer2 = zeros(size(obj2));
clearer22 = clearer2(:);

% First the production capacity constraints
counter = 1;
for ii = 1:F
    for jj = 1:P
        xtemp = clearer1;
        xtemp(jj,ii,:) = 1; % Sum over warehouses for each product and factory
        xtemp = sparse([xtemp(:);clearer22]); % Convert to sparse
        Aineq(counter,:) = xtemp'; % Fill in the row
        bineq(counter) = pcap(ii,jj);
        counter = counter + 1;

% Now the warehouse capacity constraints
vj = zeros(S,1); % The multipliers 
for jj = 1:S
    vj(jj) = sum(d(jj,:)./turn); % A sum of P elements

for ii = 1:W
    xtemp = clearer2;
    xtemp(:,ii) = vj;
    xtemp = sparse([clearer12;xtemp(:)]); % Convert to sparse
    Aineq(counter,:) = xtemp'; % Fill in the row
    bineq(counter) = wcap(ii);
    counter = counter + 1;

% There are two types of linear equality constraints: the constraint that
% demand is met, and the constraint that each sales outlet corresponds to
% one warehouse.

Aeq = spalloc(P*W + S,matwid,P*W*(F+S) + S*W); % Allocate as sparse
beq = zeros(P*W + S,1); % Allocate vectors as full

counter = 1;
% Demand is satisfied:
for ii = 1:P
    for jj = 1:W
        xtemp = clearer1;
        xtemp(ii,:,jj) = 1;
        xtemp2 = clearer2;
        xtemp2(:,jj) = -d(:,ii);
        xtemp = sparse([xtemp(:);xtemp2(:)]'); % Change to sparse row
        Aeq(counter,:) = xtemp; % Fill in row
        counter = counter + 1;

% Only one warehouse for each sales outlet:
for ii = 1:S
    xtemp = clearer2;
    xtemp(ii,:) = 1;
    xtemp = sparse([clearer12;xtemp(:)]'); % Change to sparse row
    Aeq(counter,:) = xtemp; % Fill in row
    beq(counter) = 1;
    counter = counter + 1;

%% Bound Constraints and Integer Variables
% The integer variables are those from |length(obj1) + 1| to the end.

intcon = P*F*W+1:length(obj);

% The upper bounds are from |length(obj1) + 1| to the end also.

lb = zeros(length(obj),1);
ub = Inf(length(obj),1);
ub(P*F*W+1:end) = 1;

% Turn off iterative display so that you don't get hundreds of lines of
% output. Include a plot function to monitor the solution progress.

opts = optimoptions('intlinprog','Display','off','PlotFcn',@optimplotmilp);

%% Solve the Problem
% You generated all the solver inputs. Call the solver to find the
% solution.

[solution,fval,exitflag,output] = intlinprog(obj,intcon,...
if isempty(solution) % If the problem is infeasible or you stopped early with no solution
    disp('intlinprog did not return a solution.')
    return % Stop the script because there is nothing to examine
%% Examine the Solution
% The solution is feasible, to within the given tolerances.

infeas1 = max(Aineq*solution - bineq)
infeas2 = norm(Aeq*solution - beq,Inf)

% Check that the integer components are really integers, or are close
% enough that it is reasonable to round them. To understand why these
% variables might not be exactly integers, see
% <matlab:helpview(fullfile(docroot,'toolbox','optim','helptargets.map'),'milp_not_integer');
% the documentation>.

diffint = norm(solution(intcon) - round(solution(intcon)),Inf)

% Some integer variables are not exactly integers, but all are very close.
% So round the integer variables.

solution(intcon) = round(solution(intcon));

% Check the feasibility of the rounded solution, and the change in
% objective function value.

infeas1 = max(Aineq*solution - bineq)
infeas2 = norm(Aeq*solution - beq,Inf)
diffrounding = norm(fval - obj(:)'*solution,Inf)

% Rounding the solution did not appreciably change its feasibility.
% You can examine the solution most easily by reshaping it back to its
% original dimensions.

solution1 = solution(1:P*F*W); % The continuous variables
solution2 = solution(intcon); % The integer variables
solution1 = reshape(solution1,P,F,W);
solution2 = reshape(solution2,S,W);

% For example, how many sales outlets are associated with each warehouse?
% Notice that, in this case, some warehouses have 0 associated outlets,
% meaning the warehouses are not in use in the optimal solution.

outlets = sum(solution2,1) % Sum over the sales outlets

% Plot the connection between each sales outlet and its warehouse.
hold on
for ii = 1:S
    jj = find(solution2(ii,:)); % Index of warehouse associated with ii
    xsales = xloc(F+W+ii); ysales = yloc(F+W+ii);
    xwarehouse = xloc(F+jj); ywarehouse = yloc(F+jj);
    if rand(1) < .5 % Draw y direction first half the time
    else % Draw x direction first the rest of the time
hold off

title('Mapping of sales outlets to warehouses')

% The black * with no green lines represent the unused warehouses.