www.gusucode.com > optim 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > optim/SudokuExample.m

    %% Solve Sudoku Puzzles Via Integer Programming
% This example shows how to solve a Sudoku puzzle using binary integer
% programming.
% You probably have seen Sudoku puzzles. A puzzle is to fill a 9-by-9 grid
% with integers from 1 through 9 so that each integer appears only once in
% each row, column, and major 3-by-3 square. The grid is partially
% populated with clues, and your task is to fill in the rest of the grid.

%   Copyright 2014 The MathWorks, Inc. 

%% Initial Puzzle
% Here is a data matrix |B| of clues. The first row, |B(1,2,2)|, means row
% 1, column 2 has a clue 2. The second row, |B(1,5,3)|, means row 1, column
% 5 has a clue 3. Here is the entire matrix |B|.

B = [1,2,2;

drawSudoku(B) % For the listing of this program, see the end of this example.

% This puzzle, and an alternative MATLAB(R) solution technique, was
% featured in
% <http://www.mathworks.com/company/newsletters/articles/solving-sudoku-with-matlab.html
% Cleve's Corner> in 2009.
% There are many approaches to solving Sudoku puzzles manually, as well as
% many programmatic approaches. This example shows a straightforward
% approach using binary integer programming.
% This approach is particularly simple because you do not give a solution
% algorithm. Just express the rules of Sudoku, express the clues as
% constraints on the solution, and then |intlinprog| produces the solution.

%% Binary Integer Programming Approach
% The key idea is to transform a puzzle from a square 9-by-9 grid to a
% cubic 9-by-9-by-9 array of binary values (0 or 1). Think of the cubic
% array as being 9 square grids stacked on top of each other. The top grid,
% a square layer of the array, has a 1 wherever the solution or clue has a
% 1. The second layer has a 1 wherever the solution or clue has a 2. The
% ninth layer has a 1 wherever the solution or clue has a 9.
% This formulation is precisely suited for binary integer programming.
% The objective function is not needed here, and might as well be 0. The
% problem is really just to find a feasible solution, meaning one that
% satisfies all the constraints. However, for tiebreaking in the internals
% of the integer programming solver, giving increased solution speed, use a
% nonconstant objective function.

%% Express the Rules for Sudoku as Constraints
% Suppose a solution $x$ is represented in a 9-by-9-by-9 binary array. What
% properties does $x$ have? First, each square in the 2-D grid (i,j) has
% exactly one value, so there is exactly one nonzero element among the 3-D
% array entries $x(i,j,1),...,x(i,j,9)$. In other words, for every $i$ and
% $j$,
% $\sum_{k=1}^9 x(i,j,k) = 1.$
% Similarly, in each row $i$ of the 2-D grid, there is exactly one value
% out of each of the digits from 1 to 9. In other words, for each $i$ and
% $k$,
% $\sum_{j=1}^9 x(i,j,k) = 1.$
% And each column $j$ in the 2-D grid has the same property: for each $j$
% and $k$,
% $\sum_{i=1}^9 x(i,j,k) = 1.$
% The major 3-by-3 grids have a similar constraint. For the grid elements
% $1\le i\le 3$ and $1\le j\le 3$, and for each $1\le k\le 9$,
% $\sum_{i=1}^3\sum_{j=1}^3 x(i,j,k) = 1.$
% To represent all nine major grids, just add 3 or 6 to each $i$ and $j$
% index:
% $\sum_{i=1}^3\sum_{j=1}^3 x(i+U,j+V,k) = 1,$ where $U,V~\epsilon~\{0,3,6\}.$

%% Express Clues
% Each initial value (clue) can be expressed as a constraint. Suppose
% that the $(i,j)$ clue is $m$ for some $1\le m\le 9$. Then $x(i,j,m) = 1$.
% The constraint $\sum_{k=1}^9 x(i,j,k) = 1$ ensures that all other
% $x(i,j,k) = 0$ for $k\neq m$.

%% Write the Rules for Sudoku
% Although the Sudoku rules are conveniently expressed in terms of a
% 9-by-9-by-9 solution array |x|, linear constraints are given in terms of
% a vector solution matrix |x(:)|. Therefore, when you write a Sudoku
% program, you have to use constraint matrices derived from 9-by-9-by-9
% initial arrays.
% Here is one approach to set up Sudoku rules, and also include the clues
% as constraints. The |sudokuEngine| file comes with your software.

type sudokuEngine

%% Call the Sudoku Solver

S = sudokuEngine(B); % Solves the puzzle pictured at the start

% You can easily check that the solution is correct.

%% Function to Draw the Sudoku Puzzle

type drawSudoku