www.gusucode.com > optim 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > optim/circustent.m

    %% Large-Scale Bound Constrained Quadratic Programming
% This example shows how to determine the shape of a circus tent by solving 
% a large-scale quadratic optimization problem. The shape of a circus tent is 
% determined by a constrained optimization problem.  We will solve this problem
% with the function |quadprog| in Optimization Toolbox(TM).
% Copyright 1990-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% The Problem
% Imagine building a circus tent to cover a square lot. The tent has five poles
% that will be covered with an elastic material. From this structure, we want to
% find the natural shape of the tent. This natural shape corresponds to the
% minimum of a certain energy function computed from the surface position and
% squared norm of its gradient.

% Draw the tent poles.
largeL = zeros(36);
mask = [6 7 30 31];
largeL(mask,mask) = .3*ones(4);
largeL(18:19,18:19) = .5*ones(2);
xx = [1:5,5:6,6:15,15:16,16:25,25:26,26:30];
[XX,YY] = meshgrid(xx) ;
axis([1 30 1 30 0 .5],'off');
surface(XX,YY,largeL,'facecolor',[.5 .5 .5],'edgecolor','none');
title('The set of tent poles')

%% Lower Bound Constraint Surface
% The supporting poles determine a lower bound for the tent, L. We can visualize
% the constraint by plotting it as a magenta mesh.

L = zeros(30);
E = ones(2);
L(15:16,15:16) = .5*E;
L(5:6,5:6) = .3*E; 
L(25:26,5:6) = .3*E;
L(5:6,25:26) = .3*E; 
L(25:26,25:26) = .3*E;

% Add L to the plot.
title('Lower Bound Constraint Surface')

%% Initial Guess for Optimization
% To solve this problem, we will find the height of the optimized surface at a
% finite number of points. Our initial guess, |sstart|, is shown in blue.

sstart = .5*ones(30,30);

% Add it to the plot.
surface(sstart,'FaceColor','none','LineStyle','none', ...
title('Initial Value (blue) and Lower Bound (magenta)');
fig = gcf;
fig.Renderer = 'zbuffer';  % Markers do not show up in OpenGL.

%% Resize Data for Optimization
% In order to formulate the problem as a standard optimization problem, we
% resize both the matrices into vectors. |L| represents the initial values and 
% |sstart| represents the lower boundary constraint.

low = reshape(L,900,1);
xstart = reshape(sstart,900,1);

% Illustrate the reordering.
% Draw grid points.
xx = 0:4;
[X, Y] = meshgrid(xx,xx);
gpts = plot(X(:),Y(:),'b.');
gpts.MarkerSize = 10;
axis off
axis([-2 12 -1.5 5.5])
hold on
% Draw arrow.
l(1) = line([7.5 6.5],[2 2.5]);
l(2) = line([7.5 6.5],[2 1.5]);
l(3) = line([7.5 5.5],[2 2]);
% Draw vector.
yy = 0.2*xx;
zz = [-1.5+yy,yy,1.5+yy,3+yy,4.5+yy];
vect = plot(9*ones(25,1),zz,'b.');
vect.MarkerSize = 9;
axis off;
hold off;

%% Formulate Optimization Problem
% The surface formed by the elastic membrane is determined by the bound
% constrained optimization problem
%     min{ c'*x+0.5*x'*H*x : low <= x }
% where |c'*x + 0.5*x'*H*x| is the discrete approximation of the energy function.
% |H| and |c| are as follows:

H = delsq(numgrid('S',30+2));
h = 1/(30-1);
c = -h^2*ones(30^2,1);

%% Hessian Sparsity Structure
% Each point of the energy function is only affected by its immediate neighbors.
% Consequently the Hessian matrix |H| is sparse and has a special structure.
% Because |H| is sparse we can use a large-scale algorithm to solve the
% optimization problem.

title('Sparsity Structure of Hessian Matrix');

%% Run Optimization Solver
% The trust region reflective algorithm in |quadprog| solves bound
% constrained quadratic problems. We select this algorithm by setting an
% option with |optimoptions|. Then solve the problem by calling |quadprog|.

options = optimoptions('quadprog','Algorithm','trust-region-reflective',...
x = quadprog(H, c, [], [], [], [], low, [], xstart, options);

%% Reshape Solution Back to Original Size
% Now obtain the surface solution by going back to the original ordering using
% |reshape|.  Then plot this solution in blue mesh.

S = reshape(x,30,30);

% Plot the starting surface.
surf(L,'facecolor',[.5 .5 .5]);
title('Starting Surface')
axis off
axis tight;
% Plot the solution surface.
surf(L,'facecolor',[.5 .5 .5]);
title('Solution Surface')
axis off
axis tight;

%% Plot Circus Tent
% Let's now plot the solution that the optimization solver found.

surf(L,'facecolor',[0 0 0]);
hold on;
hold off;
axis tight;
axis off;