www.gusucode.com > optim 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > optim/updateSalesmanPlot.m

    function lh = updateSalesmanPlot(lh,xopt,idxs,stopsLat,stopsLon)
% Plotting function for tsp_intlinprog example

%   Copyright 2014 The MathWorks, Inc. 

if ( lh ~= zeros(size(lh)) ) % First time through lh is all zeros
    set(lh,'Visible','off'); % Remove previous lines from plot

segments = find(xopt); % Indices to trips in solution

% Loop through the trips then draw them
Lat = zeros(3*length(segments),1);
Lon = zeros(3*length(segments),1);
for ii = 1:length(segments)
    start = idxs(segments(ii),1);
    stop = idxs(segments(ii),2);
    % Separate data points with NaN's to plot separate line segments
    Lat(3*ii-2:3*ii) = [stopsLat(start); stopsLat(stop); NaN];
    Lon(3*ii-2:3*ii) = [stopsLon(start); stopsLon(stop); NaN];  

lh = plot(Lat,Lon,'k:','LineWidth',2);

set(lh,'Visible','on'); drawnow; % Add new lines to plot