www.gusucode.com > pde 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > pde/DGeometryFromPointCloudExample.m

    %% 3-D Geometry from Point Cloud
% This example shows how to import 3-D geometry from a point cloud.
% Create an <matlab:doc('alphaShape') alphaShape> object of a block with a
% cylindrical hole. Import the geometry into a PDE model from the
% |alphaShape| boundary.
% To create the point cloud, create a 2-D mesh grid.
[xg, yg] = meshgrid(-3:0.25:3);
xg = xg(:);
yg = yg(:);
% Create a unit disk. Remove all the mesh grid points that fall inside the
% unit disk, and include the unit disk points.
t = (pi/24:pi/24:2*pi)';
x = cos(t);
y = sin(t);
circShp = alphaShape(x,y,2);
in = inShape(circShp,xg,yg);
xg = [xg(~in); cos(t)];
yg = [yg(~in); sin(t)];
% Create 3-D copies of the remaining mesh grid points, with the
% |z|-coordinates ranging from 0 through 1. Together, these points
% constitute a 3-D point cloud. Combine the points into an |alphaShape|
% object.
zg = ones(numel(xg),1);
xg = repmat(xg,5,1);
yg = repmat(yg,5,1);
zg = zg*(0:.25:1);
zg = zg(:);
shp = alphaShape(xg,yg,zg);
% Obtain a surface mesh of the |alphaShape| object.
[elements,nodes] = boundaryFacets(shp);
% Put the data in the correct shape for |geometryFromMesh|.
nodes = nodes';
elements = elements';
% Create a PDE model and import the surface mesh.
model = createpde();
% View the geometry and face numbers.
% To use the geometry in an analysis, create a volume mesh.