www.gusucode.com > pde 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > pde/heatedBlockWithSlot.m

    %% Solving a Heat Transfer Problem With Temperature-Dependent Properties
% This example shows an idealized thermal analysis of a rectangular, metal
% block with a rectangular cavity in the center. One of the purposes of this
% example is to show how temperature-dependent thermal conductivity can
% be modeled in PDE Toolbox.
% The partial differential equation for transient conduction heat transfer
% is:
% $$
% \rho C_p \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} -\nabla \cdot (k \nabla T) = f
% $$
% where $T$ is the temperature, $\rho$ is the material density, $C_p$ 
% is the specific heat, and $k$ is the thermal conductivity. $f$ is the
% heat generated inside the body which is zero in this example.

% Copyright 2015-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Create a PDE Model with a single dependent variable
numberOfPDE = 1;
pdem = createpde(numberOfPDE);

%% Geometry
% To construct the geometry we create one rectangle the size of the block
% and a second rectangle the size of the slot.
r1 = [3 4 -.5 .5 .5 -.5  -.8 -.8 .8 .8];
r2 = [3 4 -.05 .05 .05 -.05  -.4 -.4 .4 .4];
gdm = [r1; r2]';
% Subtract the second rectangle from the first to create the block with a
% slot.
g = decsg(gdm,'R1-R2',['R1'; 'R2']');

%% Convert the decsg format into a geometry object 
% The geometry is appended to the PDEModel


% Plot the geometry with edge labels displayed. The edge labels will be
% used below in the function for defining boundary conditions.
axis([-.9 .9 -.9 .9]);
title 'Block Geometry With Edge Labels Displayed'

%% PDE Coefficients and Boundary Conditions
% Boundary conditions are defined below. For the steady state cases, we set
% the temperature on the left edge to 100 degrees. On the right edge, there
% is a prescribed heat flux out of the block. The top and bottom edges as
% well as the edges inside the cavity are all insulated, that is, no heat
% is transferred across these edges.

uRight = applyBoundaryCondition(pdem,'neumann','Edge',1,'g',-10);
uLeft = applyBoundaryCondition(pdem,'dirichlet','Edge',6,'u',100);

%% Coefficient Definition
% We will first consider the case where the material properties are simple
% scalars, all equal one. We will later consider a case where the
% thermal conductivity is a function of temperature.
rho = 1; % density
Cp = 1; % specific heat
k = 1; % thermal conductivity

c = k;
a = 0;
f = 0;
d = rho*Cp; 

%% Mesh
% Call |generateMesh| to create a mesh with elements no larger than
% about 0.2.
hmax = .2; % element size
axis equal
title 'Block With Finite Element Mesh Displayed'

%% Steady State Solution
% First calculate the steady-state solution.
% We want to compare this with the solution obtained below from a 
% transient analysis.
R = solvepde(pdem);
u = R.NodalSolution;
axis equal
title 'Temperature, Steady State Solution'

%% PDE Coefficients and Boundary Conditions
% Boundary conditions are defined below.
% In the transient cases, the temperature
% on the left edge is zero at time=0 and ramps to 100 degrees over .5
% seconds. On the right edge, there is a prescribed heat flux out of the
% block. The top and bottom edges as well as the edges inside the cavity
% are all insulated, i.e. no heat is transferred across these edges.

% Specify coefficients with non-zero d-coefficient to define the
% time-dependent PDE.

%% Transient Solution
% Perform a transient analysis from zero to five seconds.
% The solution will be saved every .1 seconds so that plots of
% the results as functions of time can be created.
tlist = 0:.1:5;
setInitialConditions(pdem, 0);
R = solvepde(pdem,tlist);
u = R.NodalSolution;
% Two plots are useful in understanding the results from this transient
% analysis. The first is a plot of the temperature at the final time.
% The second is a plot of the temperature at a specific point in the block,
% in this case near the center of the right edge, as a function of time.
% To identify a node near the center of the right edge, it is convenient
% to define this short utility function.

getClosestNode = @(p,x,y) min((p(1,:) - x).^2 + (p(2,:) - y).^2);
% Call this function to get a node near the center of the right edge.
[~,nid] = getClosestNode( msh.Nodes, .5, 0 );

% The two plots are shown side-by-side in the figure below.
h = figure;
h.Position = [1 1 2 1].*h.Position;
axis equal
axis equal
title 'Temperature, Final Time, Transient Solution'
axis equal
plot(tlist, u(nid,:)); 
grid on
title 'Temperature at Right Edge as a Function of Time';
xlabel 'Time, seconds'
ylabel 'Temperature, degrees-Celsius'

% As can be seen, the temperature distribution at this time is very similar
% to that obtained from the steady-state solution above. At the right edge,
% for times less than about one-half second, the temperature is less than
% zero. This is because heat is leaving the block faster than it is arriving
% from the left edge. At times greater than about three seconds, the
% temperature has essentially reached steady-state.

%% Steady State Solution (Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity)
% It is not uncommon for material properties to be functions of the
% dependent variables. In this case we will assume that the thermal
% conductivity is a simple linear function of temperature. The most convenient way
% to define this function is by using a string expression:
c = @(loc,state) 0.3+0.003*state.u;
% In this case, the variable u is the temperature.
% We will assume that the density and specific heat are not functions of
% temperature but, if they were temperature-dependent, these coefficients
% could also be defined as functions.
%Because the c-coefficient is a function of the dependent variable, we now
%have a nonlinear PDE. Update the boundary condition on the left edge to be
%a fixed temperature of 100 for steady state solution. Other edges would
%continue to have boundary conditions as specified previously.
%Providing a good initial guess to nonlinear solver yields faster
%convergence. Hence, specify the solution values corresponding to final
%time-step of transient solution, with constant c-coefficient, as initial
%conditions to nonlinear solver. The time-dependent results are passed to
%setInitialConditions and it selects the final time-step by default. If a 
%prior time-step were required it could be specified by an additional 
%argument that specified the time index.
setInitialConditions(pdem, R);
R = solvepde(pdem);
u = R.NodalSolution;
axis equal
title 'Temperature, Steady State Solution (Nonlinear)'
% As can be seen, compared with the constant-conductivity case, the
% temperature on the right-hand edge is lower. This is due to the lower
% conductivity in regions with lower temperature.

%% Transient Solution (Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity)
% We now perform a transient analysis with the temperature-dependent
% conductivity. Update the boundary condition on the left edge to have
% time-dependent boundary conditions.

% Specify coefficients with non-zero d-coefficient and temperature
% dependent c-coefficients to define the nonlinear time-dependent PDE.

% Just as for the linear case, the timespan is from zero to five seconds
setInitialConditions(pdem, 0);
R = solvepde(pdem,tlist);
u = R.NodalSolution;

% Again we will plot the temperature at the final time and the temperature
% at the right edge as a function of time. These two plots are shown 
% side-by-side in the figure below.
h = figure;
h.Position = [1 1 2 1].*h.Position;
axis equal
axis equal
title 'Temperature, Final Time, Transient Solution (Nonlinear)'
axis equal
plot(tlist(1:size(u,2)), u(nid,:)); 
grid on
title 'Temperature at Right Edge as a Function of Time (Nonlinear)';
xlabel 'Time, seconds'
ylabel 'Temperature, degrees-Celsius'

% The plot of temperature at the final time is only slightly different
% from the comparable plot from the linear analysis; temperature at the right
% edge is slightly lower than the linear case. The plot of temperature as a 
% function of time is considerably different from the linear case. Because
% of the lower conductivity at lower temperatures, the heat takes longer
% to reach the right edge of the block. In the linear case, the temperature
% is essentially constant at around three seconds but for this nonlinear
% case, the temperature curve is just beginning to flatten at five seconds.
