www.gusucode.com > phased 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > phased/CFARDetectorAdaptationToNoisyInputDataExample.m

    %% CFAR Detector Adaptation to Noisy Input Data
% This example shows how to create a CFAR detector and test its ability to
% adapt to the statistics of input data. The test uses noise-only trials.
% By using the default square-law detector, you can determine how close the
% empirical false-alarm rate is to the desired false-alarm probability.
% *Note:* This example runs only in R2016b or later. If you are using an earlier
% release, replace each call to the function with the equivalent |step|
% syntax. For example, replace |myObject(x)| with |step(myObject,x)|.
% Create a CFAR detector object with two guard cells, 20 training cells,
% and a false-alarm probability of 0.001. By default, this object assumes a
% square-law detector with no pulse integration.
detector = phased.CFARDetector('NumGuardCells',2,...
% There are 10 training cells and 1 guard cell on each side of the _cell
% under test_ (CUT). Set the CUT index to 12.
CUTidx = 12;
% Seed the random number generator for a reproducible set of input data.
% Set the noise variance to 0.25. This value corresponds to an approximate
% -6 dB SNR. Generate a 23-by-10000 matrix of complex-valued, white
% Gaussian rv's with the specified variance. Each row of the matrix
% represents 10,000 Monte Carlo trials for a single cell.
Ntrials = 1e4;
variance = 0.25;
Ncells = 23;
inputdata = sqrt(variance/2)*(randn(Ncells,Ntrials)+1j*randn(Ncells,Ntrials));
% Because the example implements a square-law detector, take the squared
% magnitudes of the elements in the data matrix.
Z = abs(inputdata).^2;
% Provide the output from the square-law operator and the index of the cell
% under test to the CFAR detector.
Z_detect = detector(Z,CUTidx);
% The output, |Z_detect|, is a logical vector with 10,000 elements. Sum
% the elements in |Z_detect| and divide by the total number of trials to
% obtain the empirical false-alarm rate.
pfa = sum(Z_detect)/Ntrials
% The empirical false-alarm rate is 0.0013, which corresponds closely to
% the desired false-alarm rate of 0.001.