www.gusucode.com > phased 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > phased/EstimateULAPositionTaperUsingPilotCalibrationExample.m

    %% Estimate ULA Element Position and Taper Errors Using Pilot Calibration
% Construct a 7-element ULA array of isotropic antenna elements spaced
% one-half wavelength apart. Assume the array is geometrically perturbed in
% three dimensions. Perform pilot calibration on the array using 4 pilot
% sources at azimuth and elevation angles of (-60,0), (10,80), (40,-40),
% and (-80,0) degrees. For the calibration process, pilot signals have an
% SNR of 30 dB. Each pilot signal containes 10,000 samples. Assume the
% signals have a frequency of 600 MHz.

%% Set up the ULA with nominal parameters
fc = 600e6;
c = physconst('LightSpeed');
lam = c/fc;
d = 0.5*lam;
sIso = phased.IsotropicAntennaElement('FrequencyRange',[100,900]*1e6);
Nelem = 7;
NominalTaper = ones(1,Nelem);
sULA = phased.ULA('Element',sIso,'NumElements',Nelem,'ElementSpacing',d,...

%% Create the pilot signals
% Randomly perturb the element positions using a Gaussian distribution that
% has a standard deviation of 0.1 wavelength. Do not perturb the position
% of the first element.
posstd = 0.1;
rng default
NominalElementPositions = getElementPosition(sULA)/lam;
ReferenceElement = NominalElementPositions(:,1);
PositionPert = [zeros(3,1),posstd*randn(3,Nelem-1)];
ActualElementPositions = NominalElementPositions + PositionPert;
% Perturb the taper in magnitude and phase. Do not perturb the first taper.
tapermagstd = 0.15;
taperphasestd = 0.15;
tapermagpert = tapermagstd*[0; randn(Nelem-1,1)];
ActualTaper = NominalTaper' + tapermagpert;
taperphasepert = taperphasestd*[0;randn(Nelem-1,1)];
ActualTaper = ActualTaper.*exp(1i*taperphasepert);
% Generate the signals using the perturbed positions, tapers and four
% pilot sources.
Nsamp  = 10000;
ncov = 0.001;
PilotAng = [-60,10,40,-80; 10,80,-40,0];
Npilot = size(PilotAng,2);
for n = 1:Npilot
    X(:,:,n) = sensorsig(ActualElementPositions,Nsamp,...,

%% Perform the pilot calibration
[estpos,esttaper] = pilotcalib(...
    NominalElementPositions - ReferenceElement*ones(1,Nelem),...
% Add back the position of the reference sensor
estpos = estpos + NominalElementPositions(:,1)*ones(1,Nelem);
%% Examine the root mean square (RMS) error of the calibrated parameters
% Compute the RMS values of the initial taper perturbations.
tapermagpertRMSE = sqrt(tapermagpert'*tapermagpert/Nelem);
taperphasepertRMSE = sqrt(taperphasepert'*taperphasepert/Nelem);
% Compute the RMS value of the calibrated taper magnitude error.
diff = abs(ActualTaper) - abs(esttaper);
diff2 = diff'*diff;
tapermagsolvRMSE = sqrt(diff2/Nelem);
% Compare the calibrated RMS magnitude error to the initial RMS magnitude
% error. The calibration reduces the RMS magnitude error.

% Compute the RMS value of the calibrated taper phase error.
diff = unwrap(angle(ActualTaper) - angle(esttaper));
diff2 = diff'*diff;
tapersolvphaseRMSE = sqrt(diff2/Nelem);
% Compare the calibrated RMS phase error to the initial RMS phase error.
% The calibration reduces the RMS phase error.

% Compute the RMS value of the initial position error.
numpos = 3*Nelem;
initposRMSE = sqrt(sum(PositionPert(:).^2)/numpos);
% Compute the RMS value of the calibrated position error.
solvposErr = ActualElementPositions - estpos;
solvposRMSE = sqrt(sum(solvposErr(:).^2)/(numpos));
% Compare the calibrated RMS position error to the initial position RMS error.
% The calibration reduces the RMS position error.