www.gusucode.com > phased 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > phased/ResponseBackbaffledIsotropicAntennaElementExample.m

    %% Response of Backbaffled Isotropic Antenna Element
% This example shows how to design a backbaffled isotropic antenna element
% and obtain its response. First, construct an X-band isotropic antenna
% element that operates from 8 to 12 GHz setting the |Backbaffle| property to
% |true|. Obtain the antenna element response at 4, 10, and 14 GHz at
% azimuth angles between -100 and 100 degrees in 50 degree increments. All
% elevation angles are by default equal to zero.
antenna = phased.IsotropicAntennaElement(...
    'FrequencyRange',[8e9 12e9],'BackBaffled',true);
respfreqs = [6:4:14]*1e9;
respazangles = -100:50:100;
anresp = antenna(respfreqs,respazangles)

% The antenna response in |anresp| is a matrix having row dimension equal
% to the number of azimuth angles in |respazangles| and column dimension equal to
% the number of frequencies in |respfreqs|. The response voltage in the
% first and last columns of |anresp| are zero because those
% columns contain the antenna response at 6 and 14 GHz, respectively. These
% frequencies lie outside the antenna operating frequency range.
% Similarly, the first and last rows of |anresp| contain all zeros because
% |BackBaffled| property is set to |true|. The first and last row contain
% the antenna response at azimuth angles outside of [-90,90].

% To obtain the antenna response at nonzero elevation angles, input the
% angles to the object as a 2-by-M matrix where each column is an angle in the
% form |[azimuth;elevation]|.
respelangles = -90:45:90;
respangles = [respazangles; respelangles];
anresp = antenna(respfreqs,respangles)

% Notice that |anresp(1,2)| and |anresp(5,2)| represent the antenna voltage
% response at the azimuth-elevation angle pairs (-100,-90) and (100,90)
% degrees. Although the azimuth angles lie in the baffled region,
% because the elevation angles are equal to +/- 90 degrees, the responses
% are unity. In this case, the resulting elevation cut degenerates to a
% point.