www.gusucode.com > phased 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > phased/ShowAngleSpanForShortDipoleAntennaExample.m

    %% Show Angle Span for Short-Dipole Antenna
% Create a short-dipole antenna element and plot the field values at 250 MHz.
antenna = phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement('FrequencyRange',[100,900]*1e6,...
angs = [-180:1:180];
fc = 250.0e6;
p = pattern(antenna,250.0e6,angs,0,'CoordinateSystem','polar','Type',...
P = polarpattern(angs,abs(p));
% Add cursors to the polar plot at -30° and 30°.
addCursor(P,[-30 30]);
% Show the angle span between the two angles. 