www.gusucode.com > phased 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > phased/WidebandPolarizedFieldsFrom5ElementULAExample.m

    %% Radiate Wideband Polarized Fields from Array
% Examine the polarized field produced by the wideband radiator from a
% five-element uniform line array (ULA) composed of short-dipole antenna elements.
% *Note:* This example runs only in R2016b or later. If you are using an earlier
% release, replace each call to the function with the equivalent |step|
% syntax. For example, replace |myObject(x)| with |step(myObject,x)|.
% Set up the ULA of five short-dipole antennas with
% polarization enabled. The element spacing is set to 1/2 wavelength of the
% carrier frequency.
% Construct the wideband radiator System object(TM).
fc = 100e6;
c = physconst('LightSpeed');
lam = c/fc;
antenna = phased.ShortDipoleAntennaElement;
array = phased.ULA('Element',antenna,'NumElements',5,'ElementSpacing',lam/2);
% Radiate a signal consisting of the sum of three sine waves. Radiate the
% signal into two different directions.  Radiated angles are azimuth and elevation
% angles defined with respect to a local coordinate system. The local
% coordinate system is defined by 10 degree rotation around the x-axis from
% the global coordinates.
fs = 25e6;
f1 = 2e6;
f2 = 10e6;
f3 = 11e6;
dt = 1/fs;
fc = 100e6;
t = [0:dt:100e-6];
sig = 5.0*sin(2*pi*f1*t) + 2.0*sin(2*pi*f2*t + pi/10) + 4*sin(2*pi*f3*t + pi/2);
radiatingAngle = [30 30; 0 20];
laxes = rotx(10);
radiator = phased.WidebandRadiator('Sensor',array,'SampleRate',fs,...
y = radiator(sig.',radiatingAngle,laxes);
% Plot the first 200 samples of the _y_ and _z_ components of the polarized
% field propagating in the |[30,0]| direction.
hold on
hold off
xlabel('Time (\mu sec)')
legend('Y Polarization','Z Polarization')