www.gusucode.com > polyspace_bf 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > polyspace_bf/GenerateAndAnalyzeCodeExample.m

    %% Generate and Analyze Code
% Generate code from referenced models and S-Functions, run a Polyspace 
% analysis from Simulink, and find code defects and MISRA-C:2012 rule violations.

%% Generate Code and Run Analysis
% Before running Polyspace on models, define the scope of your
% analysis and generate code in Embedded Coder. 
% 1. Open the example model.

% 2. Right-click the |controller| subsystem. 
% 3. From the context menu, select *C/C++ Code* > *Build This Subsystem*.
% 4. In the dialog box, select *Build*.
% 5. After the build is completed, right-click the |controller| subsystem. 
% 6. From the context menu, select *Polyspace* > *Options*
% 7. In the Configuration Parameters window, select *Product Mode* > *Bug Finder*.
% 8. Apply your changes and close the Configuration Parameters window.
% 9. Right-click the |controller| subsystem.
% 10. Select *Polyspace* > *Verify code generated for* > *Selected
% subsystem*.
% You can monitor progress from the Command Window. The results
% are displayed in the Polyspace environment.

%% Review Results
% In the Polyspace Environment, explore your results and link back to the
% model.
% <<../bf_results.png>>
% 1. Select the first result |Integer division by zero|.
% This result shows a possible division by zero. The Source pane shows the
% division operation between variables |controller_B.threshold| and
% |controller_B.Cumulatedangle|.  
% 2. To see this division operation in your model, select the link
% |&lt;S4&gt;/limit_ratio|.
% In your model, the related block is highlighted in blue.
% <<../model_highlighted.png>>
%% Fix Errors by Modifying the Model
% The division by zero error stems from the |Cumulated angle| block, whose
% signal can be zero.  To fix the error in the code, modify this block in 
% your model.
% 1. Before dividing with the Cumulated angle, add a switch block that 
% checks for values equal to zero.
% <<../fixed_model.png>> 
% 2. Rebuild the |controller| subsystem.
% 3. Rerun the Bug Finder analysis.
% The results show that your fix in the model eliminated the division by
% zero defect.
% <<../fixed_bf_results.png>>