www.gusucode.com > rf 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > rf/CreateRFChainObjectAddStagesAndViewResultsExample.m

    %% Create RF Chain Object, Add Stages, and View Results
% Create an RF chain object. 
rfch = rfchain;

% Add stage 1 and stage 2 with gain, noise figure, oip3.
addstage(rfch, 21, 15, 30, 'Name', 'amp1');
addstage(rfch, -5, 6, Inf, 'Name', 'filt1');

% Add stage 3 and stage 4 with gain, noise figure, iip3.
addstage(rfch, 7, 5, 'IIP3', 10, 'Name', 'lna1');
addstage(rfch, 12, 14, 'IIP3', 20, 'Name', 'amp2');

% Calculate the gain, noise figure, oip3, and iip3 of each stage.
g = cumgain(rfch);
nf = cumnoisefig(rfch);
oip3val = cumoip3(rfch);
iip3val = cumiip3(rfch);

% View the results on a table and plot it.