www.gusucode.com > robotics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robotics/BagSelectionExample.m

    %% Create |rosbag| Selection Using |BagSelection| Object 
% Create a |BagSelection| object from a |rosbag| log file and parse out 
% specific messages based on the selected criteria.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Set the path to the logfile
filepath = fullfile(fileparts(which('ROSWorkingWithRosbagsExample')), 'data', 'ex_multiple_topics.bag');
% Create a |BagSelection| object of all the messages in the log file.
bagMsgs = robotics.ros.Bag.parse(filepath);
% Select a subset of the messages based on their timestamp  and topic.
bagMsgs2 = select(bagMsgs, 'Time', ...
           [bagMsgs.StartTime bagMsgs.StartTime + 1], 'Topic', '/odom');
% Retrieve the messages in the selection as a cell array.
msgs = readMessages(bagMsgs2);

% Return certain message properties as a time series.
ts = timeseries(bagMsgs2, 'Pose.Pose.Position.X', ...