www.gusucode.com > robotics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robotics/ConnectToMultipleROSMastersExample.m

    %% Connect to Multiple ROS Masters
% Connecting to multiple ROS masters is possible using MATLAB(R). These
% seperate ROS masters do not share information and must have different port
% numbers. Connect ROS nodes to each master based on how you want to
% separate information across the network.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Create two ROS masters on different ports.
m1 = robotics.ros.Core; % Default port of 11311 
m2 = robotics.ros.Core(12000);

% Connect separate ROS nodes to each ROS master.
node1 = robotics.ros.Node('/test_node_1','localhost',11311);
node2 = robotics.ros.Node('/test_node_2','localhost',12000);

% Clear the ROS nodes. Shut down the ROS masters.