www.gusucode.com > robotics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robotics/CreateAndAddROSDurationObjectsExample.m

    %% Work with ROS Duration Objects
% Create ROS |Duration| objects, perform addition and subtraction, and 
% compare duration objects. You can also add duration objects to ROS |Time| objects to get
% another |Time| object.

% Create a duration using seconds and nanoseconds.
dur1 = rosduration(100,2000000)

% Create a duration using a floating-point value. This sets the seconds
% using the integer portion and nanoseconds with the remainder.
dur2 = rosduration(20.5)

% Add the two durations together to get a single duration.
dur3 = dur1 + dur2

% Subtract durations and get a negative duration. You can initialize
% durations with negative values as well.
dur4 = dur2 - dur1
dur5 = rosduration(-1,2000000)
% Compare durations.
dur1 > dur2

% Add a duration to a ROS |Time| object.
time = rostime('now','system')
timeFuture = time + dur3