www.gusucode.com > robotics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robotics/FixedratePublishingOfROSTimeDataExample.m

    %% Fixed-rate Publishing of ROS Time Data 
% This example shows how to regularly publish and receive time messages
% using ROS time. The |rosrate| function creates a |Rate| object to access
% the |/clock| topic on the ROS network. The clock data is reconstructed as
% an array to be republished on the network at a regular rate. Parameters
% such as the IP address and topic names vary with your robot and setup.

% Connect to ROS network. Setup subscriber, publisher, and data message.
ipaddress = ''; % Replace with your network address
sub = rossubscriber('/clock');
pub = rospublisher('/clock2','std_msgs/Int32MultiArray');
msg = rosmessage('std_msgs/Int32MultiArray');

% Receive the first clock message and publish data as an array.
msgClock = receive(sub);
msg.Data = [msgClock.Clock_.Sec, msgClock.Clock_.Nsec];

% Create an array to store time hits for verification.
timeHits = zeros(10,2);

% Create ROS |Rate| object to execute at a 100 Hz. Set a loop time and the
% |OverrunAction| for handling 
desiredRate = 100;
loopTime = 0.1;
overrunAction = 'slip';
rate = rosrate(desiredRate);
r.OverrunAction = overrunAction;

% Begin loop to receive, process and send messages every 0.01 seconds (10
% Hz). Reset the |Rate| object before beginning.

for i = 1:desiredRate*loopTime
    msgClock = receive(sub);
    msg.Data = [msgClock.Clock_.Sec, msgClock.Clock_.Nsec];
    timeHits(i,:) = msg.Data;

% View the time hits for loop iterations. You can see that the loop
% executes at 100 Hz for the 10 iterations.

% Shut down ROS node