www.gusucode.com > robotics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robotics/GetAdditionalPurePursuitObjectNnformationExample.m

    %% Get Additional |PurePursuit| Object Information
% Use the |info| method to get more information about a |PurePursuit| object.
% |info| returns two fields, |RobotPose| and |LookaheadPoint|, which
% correspond to the current position and orientation of the robot and the
% point on the path used to compute outputs from the last |step| call.

% Create a PurePursuit object.
pp = robotics.PurePursuit;

% Assign waypoints.
pp.Waypoints = [0 0;1 1];

% Compute control commands using the |step| method.
[v, w] = step(pp, [0 0 0]);

% Get additional information.
s = info(pp)