www.gusucode.com > robotics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robotics/GetOccupancyValuesAndCheckOccupancyStatusExample.m

    %% Get Occupancy Values and Check Occupancy Status
% Access occupancy values and check their
% occupancy status based on the occupied and free thresholds of the
% |OccupancyGrid| object.

% Create a matrix and populate it with values. Use this matrix to create an occupancy
% grid.
p = 0.5*ones(20,20);
p(11:20,11:20) = 0.75*ones(10,10);
map = robotics.OccupancyGrid(p,10);

% Get the occupancy of different locations and check their occupancy statuses. 
% The occupancy status returns 0 for free space and 1 for occupied space. 
% Unknown values return -1. 

pocc = getOccupancy(map,[1.5 1])
occupied = checkOccupancy(map,[1.5 1])

pocc2 = getOccupancy(map,[5 5],'grid')
occupied2 = checkOccupancy(map,[5 5],'grid')