www.gusucode.com > robotics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robotics/GetTransformationsAndApplyExample.m

    %% Get ROS Transformations and Apply to ROS Messages
% This example shows how to setup a ROS transformation tree and transform
% frames based on this information. It uses time-buffered
% transformations to access transformations at different times.

% Create a ROS transformation tree. You must be connected to a ROS network
% using |rosinit|. Replace |ipaddress| with your ROS network address.
ipaddress = '';
tftree = rostf;

% Look at the available frames on the transformation tree.

% Check if the desired transformation is available now. This example is
% looking for the transformation from |'camera_link'| to |'base_link'|. 

% Get the transformation for 3 seconds from now. |getTransform| will wait
% until the transformation becomes available with the specified timeout.
desiredTime = rostime('now')+3;
tform = getTransform(tftree,'base_link','camera_link',...
% Create a ROS message to transform. Messages could be retrieved off the ROS
% network as well.

pt = rosmessage('geometry_msgs/PointStamped');
pt.Header.FrameId = 'camera_link';
pt.Point.X = 3;
pt.Point.Y = 1.5;
pt.Point.Z = 0.2;

% Transform the ROS message to the |'base_link'| frame using the
% desired time saved from before.
tfpt = transform(tftree,'base_link',pt,desiredTime);

% _Optional:_ You can also use |apply| with the stored |tform| to apply this
% transformation to the |pt| message.
tfpt2 = apply(tform,pt);

% Shut down the ROS network.