www.gusucode.com > robotics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robotics/ModifyARobotRigidBodyTreeModelExample.m

    %% Modify a Robot Rigid Body Tree Model
% Make changes to an existing |RigidBodyTree|
% object. You can get replace joints, bodies and subtrees in the rigid body 
% tree.

% Load example robots as |RigidBodyTree| objects.
load exampleRobots.mat

% View the details of the Puma robot using |showdetails|.

% Get a specific body to inspect the properties. The only child of the
% |L3| body is the |L4| body. You can copy a specific body as well.
body3 = getBody(puma1,'L3');
childBody = body3.Children{1}
body3Copy = copy(body3);

% Replace the joint on the |L3| body. You must create a new |Joint| object
% and use |replaceJoint| to ensure the downstream body geometry is
% unaffected. Call |setFixedTransform| if necessary to define a transform
% between the bodies instead of with the default identity matrices.
newJoint = robotics.Joint('prismatic');


% Remove an entire body and get the resulting subtree using
% |removeBody|. The removed body is included in the subtree.
subtree = removeBody(puma1,'L4')

% Remove the modified |L3| body. Add the orginal copied |L3| body to the 
% |L2| body, followed by the  returned subtree. The robot model remains
% the same. See a detailed comparison through |showdetails|.
