www.gusucode.com > robotics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robotics/PredictPosesBasedOnAnOdometryMotionModelExample.m

    %% Predict Poses Based On An Odometry Motion Model
% This example shows how to use the |robotics.OdometryMotionModel| class to
% predict the pose of a robot. An |OdometryMotionModel| object contains the
% motion model parameters for a differential drive robot. Use the object to
% predict the pose of a robot based on its current and previous poses and
% the motion model parameters.

% Create odometry motion mdoel object.
motionModel = robotics.OdometryMotionModel;

% Define previous poses and the current odometry reading. Each pose
% prediction corresponds to a row in |previousPoses| vector.
previousPoses =  rand(10,3);
currentOdom = [0.1 0.1 0.1];

% The first call to the object initializes values and returns the
% previous poses as the current poses.
currentPoses = motionModel(previousPoses, currentOdom);

% Subsequent calls to the object with updated odometry poses returns the predicted
% poses based on the motion model.
currentOdom = currentOdom + [0.1 0.1 0.05];
predPoses = motionModel(previousPoses, currentOdom);