www.gusucode.com > robotics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robotics/PutGetAndDeleteFilesOnAROSDeviceExample.m

    %% Put, Get, and Delete Files on ROS Device
% Put a file from your host computer onto a ROS
% device, get it back, and then delete it.

% Connect to a ROS device. Specify the device address, user name, and
% password of your ROS device.
d = rosdevice('','user','password');

% Put a new text file that is in the MATLAB(R) current folder onto the ROS
% device. The destination folder must exist.

% Get a text file from the ROS device. You can get any file, not just
% ones added from MATLAB(R). By default, the file is added to the MATLAB current
% folder.

% Delete the text file on the ROS device.