www.gusucode.com > robotics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robotics/RunAROSNodeOnAROSDeviceExample.m

    %% Run ROS Node on ROS Device
% Connect to a remote ROS device and start a ROS
% node. First, run a ROS core so that ROS nodes can communicate via a ROS
% network. You can run and stop a ROS core or node and check their status using
% a |rosdevice| object.

% Create a connection to a ROS device.  Specify the address, user name and
% password of your specific ROS device. The device contains information
% about the ROS device, including the available ROS nodes that can be run using
% |runNode|.
ipaddress = '';
d = rosdevice(ipaddress,'user','password')

% Run a ROS core. Connect MATLAB(R) to the ROS master using |rosinit|. This
% core enables you to run ROS nodes on your ROS device. 

% Check the available ROS nodes on the connected ROS device. These nodes
% were generated from Simlink(R) models following the process in the 
% <matlab:helpview(fullfile(docroot,'robotics/examples/robotics_examples.map'),'robotROSCodeGenerationExample') Generate a standalone ROS node from Simulink(R)>
% example.

% Run a ROS node. specifying the node name. Check if the node is running.
running = isNodeRunning(d,'robotcontroller')

% Stop the ROS node. Disconnect from the ROS network. Stop the ROS core.