www.gusucode.com > robotics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robotics/TuneTheConnectionDistanceExample.m

    %% Tune the Connection Distance
% Use the |ConnectionDistance| property  on the |PRM| object to tune the 
% algorithm. |ConnectionDistance| is an upper threshold for points that are 
% connected in the roadmap. Each node is connected to all nodes within this 
% connection distance that do not have obstacles between them. By lowering 
% the connection distance, you can limit the number of connections to reduce 
% the computation time and simplify the map. However, a lowered distance 
% limits the number of available paths from which to find a complete 
% obstacle-free path. When working with simple maps, you can use a higher 
% connection distance with a small number of nodes to increase efficiency. 
% For complex maps with lots of obstacles, a higher number of nodes with a 
% lowered connection distance increases the chance of finding a solution.

% Load a map file and create an occupancy grid.

filePath = fullfile(fileparts(which('PathPlanningExample')),'data','exampleMaps.mat');
map = robotics.OccupancyGrid(simpleMap,2);

% Create a roadmap with 100 nodes and calculate the path. The default 
% |ConnectionDistance| is set to inf. Save the random number generation 
% settings using the rng function. The saved settings enable you to reproduce 
% the same points and see the effect of changing |ConnectionDistance|.

rngState = rng;
prm = robotics.PRM(map,100);
startLocation = [2 1];
endLocation = [12 10];
path = findpath(prm,startLocation,endLocation);

% Reload the random number generation settings to have PRM use the same nodes. 
% Lower |ConnectionDistance| to 2 m. Show the calculated path.

prm.ConnectionDistance = 2;
path = findpath(prm,startLocation,endLocation);