www.gusucode.com > robotics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robotics/TuneTheNumberOfNodesExample.m

    %% Tune the Number of Nodes
% Use the |NumNodes| property on the |PRM| object to tune the algorithm. |NumNodes| specifies 
% the number of points, or nodes, placed on the map, which the algorithm uses 
% to generate a roadmap. Using the |ConnectionDistance| property as a threshold 
% for distance, the algorithm connects all points that do not have obstacles 
% blocking the direct path between them.
% Increasing the number of nodes can increase the efficiency of the path by 
% giving more feasible paths. However, the increased complexity increases 
% computation time. To get good coverage of the map, you might need a large 
% number of nodes. Due to the random placement of nodes, some areas of the 
% map may not have enough nodes to connect to the rest of the map. In this 
% example, you create a large and small number of nodes in a roadmap.

% Load a map file and create an occupancy grid.

filePath = fullfile(fileparts(which('PathPlanningExample')),'data','exampleMaps.mat');
map = robotics.OccupancyGrid(simpleMap,2);

% Create a simple roadmap with 50 nodes.

prmSimple = robotics.PRM(map,50);

% Create a dense roadmap with 250 nodes.

prmComplex = robotics.PRM(map,250);

% The additional nodes increase the complexity but yield more options to 
% improve the path. Given these two maps, you can calculate a path using 
% the PRM algorithm and see the effects.

% Calculate a simple path.

startLocation = [2 1];
endLocation = [12 10];
path = findpath(prmSimple,startLocation,endLocation);

% Calculate a complex path.

path = findpath(prmComplex, startLocation, endLocation);

% Increasing the nodes allows for a more direct path, but adds more 
% computation time to finding a feasible path. Because of the random placement 
% of points, the path is not always more direct or efficient. Using a small 
% number of nodes can make paths worse than depicted and even restrict the 
% ability to find a complete path.