www.gusucode.com > robotics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robotics/UseAROSServiceServerExample.m

    %% Use ROS Service Server with |ServiceServer| and |ServiceClient| Objects
% Create a ROS service serve by creating a
% |ServiceServer| object and use |ServiceClient| objects to request
% information over the network. The callback function used by the server
% takes a string, reverses it, and returns the reversed string.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Start the ROS master and node.
master = robotics.ros.Core;
node = robotics.ros.Node('/test');

% Create a service server. This server expects a string as a request and
% responds with a string based on the callback.

server = robotics.ros.ServiceServer(node,'/data/string',... 
% Create a callback function. This function takes an input string as the
% |Str| property of |req| and returns it as the |Str| property of |resp|. 
% You must create and save this function seperately. |req| is a ROS message 
% you create using |rosmessage|.
% <include>flipString.m</include>
% Save this code as a file named |flipString.m| to a folder on your
% MATLAB(R) path.
% Assign the callback function for incoming service calls.
server.NewRequestFcn = @flipString;
% Create a service client and connect to the service server. Create a
% request message based on the client.
client = robotics.ros.ServiceClient(node,'/data/string');
request = rosmessage(client);
request.Str = 'hello world';

% Send a service request and wait for a response. Specify that the service
% waits 3 seconds for a response.

response = call(client,request,'Timeout',3)

% The response is a flipped string from the request
% message.

% Clear the service client, service server, and ROS node. Shut down the ROS master.
clear('client', 'server', 'node')