www.gusucode.com > robotics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robotics/UseParticleFilterToEstimateStateInALoopExample.m

    %% Estimate Robot Position in a Loop Using Particle Filter
% Use the |ParticleFilter| object to track a
% robot as it moves in a 2-D space. The measured position has random 
% noise added. Using |predict| and |correct|, track the robot
% based on the measurement and on an assumed motion model.

% Initialize the particle filter and specify the default state
% transition function, the measurement likelihood function, and the resampling
% policy.
pf = robotics.ParticleFilter;
pf.StateEstimationMethod = 'mean';
pf.ResamplingMethod = 'systematic';

% Sample 1000 particles with an initial position of [0 0] and unit
% covariance.
initialize(pf,1000,[0 0],eye(2));
% Prior to estimation, define a sine wave path for the dot to follow. 
% Create an array to store the predicted and estimated position.
% Define the amplitude of noise.
t = 0:0.1:4*pi;
dot = [t; sin(t)]';
robotPred = zeros(length(t),2);
robotCorrected = zeros(length(t),2);
noise = 0.1;
% Begin the loop for predicting and correcting the estimated position based on measurements.
% The resampling of particles occurs based on the |ResamplingPolicy| property. The robot  
% moves based on a sine wave function with random noise added to the 
% measurement.

for i = 1:length(t)
    % Predict next position. Resample particles if necessary.
    [robotPred(i,:),robotCov] = predict(pf);
    % Generate dot measurement with random noise. This is
    % equivalent to the observation step.
    measurement(i,:) = dot(i,:) + noise*(rand([1 2])-noise/2);
    % Correct position based on the given measurement to get best estimation. 
    % Actual dot position is not used. Store corrected position in data array.
    [robotCorrected(i,:),robotCov] = correct(pf,measurement(i,:));
% Plot the actual path versus the estimated position. Actual results may
% vary due to the randomness of particle distributions.
xlim([0 t(end)])
ylim([-1 1])
legend('Actual position','Estimated position')
grid on

% The figure shows how close the estimate state matches the actual position
% of the robot. Try tuning the number of particles or specifying a
% different initial position and covariance to see how it affects tracking
% over time.