www.gusucode.com > robotics 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robotics/UseTransformationTreeObjectExample.m

    %% Use |TransformationTree| Object
% Create a ROS transformation tree. You can then view or use transformation
% information for different coordinate frames setup in the ROS network.
% Start ROS network and broadcast sample transformation data.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

node = robotics.ros.Node('/testTf');
% Retrieve the |TransformationTree| object. Pause to wait for tftree to
% update.
tftree = robotics.ros.TransformationTree(node);
% View available coordinate frames and the time when they were last
% received.
frames = tftree.AvailableFrames
updateTime = tftree.LastUpdateTime
% Wait for the transform between two frames, |'camera_center'| and
% |'robot_base'|. This will wait until the transformation is valid and block
% all other operations. A time out of 5 seconds is also given.

% Define a point in the camer's coordinate frame.
pt = rosmessage('geometry_msgs/PointStamped');
pt.Header.FrameId = 'camera_center';
pt.Point.X = 3;
pt.Point.Y = 1.5;
pt.Point.Z = 0.2;
% Tranform the point into the |'base_link'| frame.
tfpt = transform(tftree, 'robot_base', pt)
% Display the transformed point coordinates.
% Clear ROS node. Shut down ROS master.