www.gusucode.com > robust 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robust/ReplaceUncertainParameterswithValuesReturnedbyusampleExample.m

    %% Replace Uncertain Parameters with Values Returned by usample  
% Replace the uncertain parameters in an uncertain models by values specified
% in struct array form, as returned by |usample|. 
% This is useful, for example, when you have multiple uncertain models that
% use the same set of parameters, and you want to evaluate all models at
% the same parameter values.   

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Create two uncertain matrices that have the same uncertain parameters,
% |a| and |b|. 
a = ureal('a',5);
b = ureal('b',-3);
M1 = [a b];
M2 = [a b;0 a*b];  

% Generate some random samples of |M1|. 
[M1rand,samples] = usample(M1,5); 

% |M1rand| is an array of five values of |M1|, evaluated at randomly generated
% values of |a| and |b|. These |a| and |b| values are returned in the struct
% array |samples|.  

% Examine the struct array |samples|. 

% The field names of |samples| correspond to the uncertain parameters of
% |M1|. The values are the parameter values used to generate |M1rand|. Because
% |M2| has the same parameters, you can use this structure to evaluate |M2|
% at the same set of values.  

M2rand = usubs(M2,samples); 

% This command returns a 1-by-5 array of instantiations of |M2|.