www.gusucode.com > robust 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robust/SampleUncertainSystemsExample.m

    %% Sample Uncertain Systems
% The command |usample|  randomly samples the uncertain system at a
% specified number of points.  Randomly sample an uncertain system at 20
% points in its modeled uncertainty range. This gives a 20-by-1 |ss| array.
%  Consequently, all analysis tools from Control System Toolbox(TM) are
%  available. 

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

p1 = ureal('p1',10,'Percentage',50); 
p2 = ureal('p2',3,'PlusMinus',[-.5 1.2]); 
p3 = ureal('p3',0); 
A = [-p1 p2; 0 -p1]; 
B = [-p2; p2+p3]; 
C = [1 0; 1 1-p3]; 
D = [0; 0]; 

sys = ss(A,B,C,D) % Create uncertain state-space model
manysys = usample(sys,20); 
% The command |stepplot| can be called directly on a |uss| object. The default
% behavior samples the |uss| object at 20 instances, and plots the step
% responses of these 20 models, as well as the nominal value.
% The same features are available for other analysis commands such as
% |bodeplot|, |bodemag|, |impulse|, and |nyquist|.