www.gusucode.com > robust 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robust/UncertainSystemBoundingAnLTIArrayExample.m

    %% Uncertain System Bounding an LTI Array
% Consider a third order transfer function with an uncertain gain, filter
% time constant and a lightly damped flexible mode. This model is used to
% represent a physical system from which frequency response data is acquired.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

gain = ureal('gain',10,'Perc',20); 
tau = ureal('tau',.6,'Range',[.42 .9]); 
wn = 40; 
zeta = 0.1; 
usys = tf(gain,[tau 1])*tf(wn^2,[1 2*zeta*wn wn^2]); 
sysnom = usys.NominalValue; 
parray = usample(usys,30); 
om = logspace(-1,2,80); 
parrayg = frd(parray,om); 
% The frequency response data in |parray| represents 30 experiments
% performed on the system. The command |ltiarray2uss| is used to generate
% an uncertain model, |umod|, based on the frequency response data. Initially
% an input multiplicative uncertain model is used to characterize the
% collection of 30 frequency responses. First and second order input
% multiplicative uncertainty weight are calculated from the data.
[umodIn1,wtIn1,diffdataIn] = ltiarray2uss(sysnom,parrayg,1); 
[umodIn2,wtIn2,diffdataIn] = ltiarray2uss(sysnom,parrayg,2); 
title('Input Multiplicative Uncertainty Model Using ltiarray2uss')
legend('1st order','2nd order','difference','Location','SouthEast')
% Alternatively,  an additive uncertain model is used to characterize the
% collection of 30 frequency responses.
[umodAdd1,wtAdd1,diffdataAdd] = ltiarray2uss(sysnom,parrayg,1,'Additive'); 
[umodAdd2,wtAdd2,diffdataAdd] = ltiarray2uss(sysnom,parrayg,2,'Additive'); 
title('Additive Uncertainty Model Using ltiarray2uss')
legend('1st order','2nd order','difference')