www.gusucode.com > robust_featured 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robust_featured/MuSynthesisAircraftExample.m

    %% Control of Aircraft Lateral Axis Using mu-Synthesis
% This example shows how to use mu-analysis and synthesis tools in the
% Robust Control Toolbox(TM). It describes the design of a robust
% controller for the lateral-directional axis of an aircraft during
% powered approach to landing. The linearized model of the aircraft is obtained 
% for an angle-of-attack of 10.5 degrees and airspeed of 140 knots.   

%   Copyright 1986-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Performance Specifications
% The illustration below shows a block diagram of the
% closed-loop system. The diagram includes the nominal aircraft model, the
% controller |K|, as well as elements capturing the model uncertainty and
% performance objectives (see next sections for details).
% <<../LateralAxisClosedLoop.png>>
% *Figure 1:* Robust Control Design for Aircraft Lateral Axis

% The design goal is to make the airplane respond effectively to the 
% pilot's lateral stick and rudder pedal inputs. The performance 
% specifications include:
% * Decoupled responses from lateral stick |p_cmd| to roll rate |p|
% and from rudder pedals |beta_cmd| to side-slip angle |beta|. The lateral
% stick and rudder pedals have a maximum deflection of +/- 1
% inch.
% * The aircraft handling quality (HQ) response from 
% lateral stick to roll rate |p| should match the first-order response

HQ_p    = 5.0 * tf(2.0,[1 2.0]);
step(HQ_p), title('Desired response from lateral stick to roll rate (Handling Quality)')

% *Figure 2:* Desired response from lateral stick to roll rate. 

% * The aircraft handling quality response from the rudder pedals to the
% side-slip angle |beta| should match the damped second-order response. 

HQ_beta = -2.5 * tf(1.25^2,[1 2.5 1.25^2]);
step(HQ_beta), title('Desired response from rudder pedal to side-slip angle (Handling Quality)')

% *Figure 3:* Desired response from rudder pedal to side-slip angle.

% * The stabilizer actuators have +/- 20 deg and +/- 50
% deg/s limits on their deflection angle and deflection rate.  The rudder
% actuators have +/- 30 deg and +/-60 deg/s deflection angle and 
% rate limits.
% * The three measurement signals ( roll rate |p|, yaw rate |r|, 
% and lateral acceleration |yac| ) are filtered through 
% second-order anti-aliasing filters:

freq = 12.5 * (2*pi);  % 12.5 Hz
zeta = 0.5;
yaw_filt = tf(freq^2,[1 2*zeta*freq freq^2]);
lat_filt = tf(freq^2,[1 2*zeta*freq freq^2]);

freq = 4.1 * (2*pi);  % 4.1 Hz
zeta = 0.7;
roll_filt = tf(freq^2,[1 2*zeta*freq freq^2]);

AAFilters = append(roll_filt,yaw_filt,lat_filt);

%% From Specs to Weighting Functions
% H-infinity design algorithms seek to minimize the largest 
% closed-loop gain across frequency (H-infinity norm). To apply
% these tools, we must first recast the design specifications 
% as constraints on the closed-loop gains. 
% We use *weighting  functions* to "normalize" the specifications  
% across frequency and to equally weight each requirement. 
% We can express the design specs in terms of weighting functions as follows:
% * To capture the limits on the actuator deflection magnitude and
%   rate, pick a diagonal, constant weight |W_act|, corresponding
%   to the stabilizer and rudder deflection rate and deflection angle limits. 

W_act = ss(diag([1/50,1/20,1/60,1/30]));

% * Use a 3x3 diagonal, high-pass filter |W_n| to model the frequency
% content of the sensor noise in the roll rate, yaw rate, and lateral
% acceleration channels.

W_n = append(0.025,tf(0.0125*[1 1],[1 100]),0.025);
clf, bodemag(W_n(2,2)), title('Sensor noise power as a function of frequency')

% *Figure 4:* Sensor noise power as a function of frequency

% * The response from lateral stick to |p| and from rudder pedal to |beta|
% should match the handling quality targets |HQ_p| and |HQ_beta|.
% This is a model-matching objective: to minimize the difference (peak
% gain) between the desired and actual closed-loop transfer functions.
% Performance is limited due to a right-half plane zero in the model at
% 0.002 rad/s, so accurate tracking of sinusoids below 0.002 rad/s
% is not possible. Accordingly, we'll weight the first handling quality spec
% with a bandpass filter |W_p| that emphasizes the frequency range between
% 0.06 and 30 rad/sec.

W_p = tf([0.05 2.9 105.93 6.17 0.16],[1 9.19 30.80 18.83 3.95]);
clf, bodemag(W_p), title('Weight on Handling Quality spec')

% *Figure 5:* Weight on handling quality spec.

% * Similarly, pick |W_beta=2*W_p| for the second handling quality spec

W_beta = 2*W_p;

% Here we scaled the weights |W_act|, |W_n|, |W_p|, and |W_beta| so the
% closed-loop gain between all external inputs and all weighted outputs is
% less than 1 at all frequencies.

%% Nominal Aircraft Model
% A pilot can command the lateral-directional response of the aircraft with
% the lateral stick and rudder pedals. The aircraft has the following
% characteristics:
% * Two control inputs: differential stabilizer deflection |delta_stab| in
% degrees, and rudder deflection |delta_rud| in degrees.
% * Three measured outputs: roll rate |p| in deg/s, yaw rate |r|
% in deg/s, and lateral acceleration |yac| in g's.
% * One calculated output: side-slip angle |beta|.
% The nominal lateral directional model |LateralAxis| has four states:
% * Lateral velocity |v|
% * Yaw rate |r|
% * Roll rate |p|
% * Roll angle |phi|
% These variables are related by the state space equations:
% $$ \dot{x} = Ax+Bu, \;\; y   = Cx + Du$$
% where |x = [v; r; p; phi]|, |u = [delta_stab; delta_rud]|, and
% |y = [beta; p; r; yac]|.

load LateralAxisModel

% The complete airframe model also includes actuators models |A_S| and
% |A_R|. The actuator outputs are their respective deflection rates and angles.
% The actuator rates are used to penalize the actuation effort.

A_S = [tf([25 0],[1 25]); tf(25,[1 25])];
A_S.OutputName = {'stab_rate','stab_angle'};

A_R = A_S;
A_R.OutputName = {'rud_rate','rud_angle'};

%% Accounting for Modeling Errors
% The nominal model only approximates true airplane behavior. To
% account for unmodeled dynamics, you can introduce a relative
% term or multiplicative uncertainty |W_in*Delta_G| at the
% plant input, where the error dynamics |Delta_G| have gain less than 1
% across frequencies, and the weighting function |W_in| reflects the
% frequency ranges in which the model is more or less accurate. There are
% typically more modeling errors at high frequencies so |W_in| is high
% pass.

% Normalized error dynamics
Delta_G = ultidyn('Delta_G',[2 2],'Bound',1.0);

% Frequency shaping of error dynamics
w_1 = tf(2.0*[1 4],[1 160]);
w_2 = tf(1.5*[1 20],[1 200]);
W_in = append(w_1,w_2);

title('Relative error on nominal model as a function of frequency')

% *Figure 6:* Relative error on nominal aircraft model as a function of
% frequency.

%% Building an Uncertain Model of the Aircraft Dynamics
% Now that we have quantified modeling errors, we can build an uncertain
% model of the aircraft dynamics corresponding to the dashed box in the
% Figure 7 (same as Figure 1):
% <<../LateralAxisClosedLoop.png>>

% *Figure 7:* Aircraft dynamics.

% Use the |connect| function to combine the nominal airframe model
% |LateralAxis|, the actuator models |A_S| and |A_R|, and
% the modeling error description |W_in*Delta_G| into a single
% uncertain model |Plant_unc| mapping |[delta_stab; delta_rud]| to the 
% actuator and plant outputs:

% Actuator model with modeling uncertainty
Act_unc = append(A_S,A_R) * (eye(2) + W_in*Delta_G);
Act_unc.InputName = {'delta_stab','delta_rud'};

% Nominal aircraft dynamics
Plant_nom = LateralAxis;
Plant_nom.InputName = {'stab_angle','rud_angle'};

% Connect the two subsystems
Inputs = {'delta_stab','delta_rud'};
Outputs = [A_S.y ; A_R.y ; Plant_nom.y];
Plant_unc = connect(Plant_nom,Act_unc,Inputs,Outputs);
% This produces an uncertain state-space (USS) model |Plant_unc| of the aircraft:

%% Analyzing How Modeling Errors Affect Open-Loop Responses
% We can analyze the effect of modeling uncertainty by picking random samples
% of the unmodeled dynamics |Delta_G| and plotting the nominal and
% perturbed time responses (Monte Carlo analysis). For example, for the
% differential stabilizer channel, the uncertainty weight |w_1| implies
% a 5% modeling error at low frequency, increasing to 100% after 93
% rad/sec, as confirmed by the Bode diagram below.

% Pick 10 random samples
Plant_unc_sampl = usample(Plant_unc,10);

% Look at response from differential stabilizer to beta
subplot(211), step(Plant_unc.Nominal(5,1),'r+',Plant_unc_sampl(5,1),'b-',10)

subplot(212), bodemag(Plant_unc.Nominal(5,1),'r+',Plant_unc_sampl(5,1),'b-',{0.001,1e3})

% *Figure 8:* Step response and Bode diagram.

%%  Designing the Lateral-Axis Controller
% Proceed with designing a controller that robustly achieves
% the specifications, where robustly means for any perturbed aircraft
% model consistent with the modeling error bounds |W_in|.
% First we build an open-loop model |OLIC| mapping the external input
% signals to the performance-related outputs as shown below.
% <<../LateralAxisOLIC.png>>
% *Figure 9:* Open-loop model mapping external input signals to
% performance-related outputs.
% To build this model, start with the block diagram of the closed-loop 
% system, remove the controller block K, and use |connect| to compute 
% the desired model. As before, the connectivity is specified by labeling 
% the inputs and outputs of each block.
% <<../LateralAxisOpenLoop.png>>
% *Figure 10:* Block diagram for building open-loop model.

% Label block I/Os
AAFilters.u = {'p','r','yac'};    AAFilters.y = 'AAFilt';
W_n.u = 'noise';                  W_n.y = 'Wn';
HQ_p.u = 'p_cmd';                 HQ_p.y = 'HQ_p';
HQ_beta.u = 'beta_cmd';           HQ_beta.y = 'HQ_beta';
W_p.u = 'e_p';                    W_p.y = 'z_p';
W_beta.u = 'e_beta';              W_beta.y = 'z_beta';
W_act.u = [A_S.y ; A_R.y];        W_act.y = 'z_act';

% Specify summing junctions
Sum1 = sumblk('%meas = AAFilt + Wn',{'p_meas','r_meas','yac_meas'});
Sum2 = sumblk('e_p = HQ_p - p');
Sum3 = sumblk('e_beta = HQ_beta - beta');

% Connect everything
OLIC = connect(Plant_unc,AAFilters,W_n,HQ_p,HQ_beta,...

% This produces the uncertain state-space model

% Recall that by construction of the weighting functions, a controller
% meets the specs whenever the closed-loop gain is less than 1 at
% all frequencies and for all I/O directions. First design an
% H-infinity controller that minimizes the closed-loop gain for the nominal
% aircraft model:

nmeas = 5;		% number of measurements
nctrls = 2;		% number of controls
[kinf,~,gamma_inf] = hinfsyn(OLIC.NominalValue,nmeas,nctrls);

% Here |hinfsyn| computed a controller |kinf| that keeps the closed-loop
% gain below 1 so the specs can be met for the nominal aircraft model.
% Next, perform a mu-synthesis to see if the specs
% can be met robustly when taking into account the modeling errors (uncertainty
% |Delta_G|). Use the command |dksyn| to perform the synthesis and use 
% |dksynOptions| to set the frequency grid used for mu-analysis and the 
% number of D-K iterations.

fmu = logspace(-2,2,60);
opt = dksynOptions('FrequencyVector',fmu,'NumberofAutoIterations',5);
[kmu,~,gamma_mu] = dksyn(OLIC,nmeas,nctrls,opt);

% Here the best controller |kmu| cannot keep the closed-loop gain below 1
% for the specified model uncertainty, indicating that the
% specs can be nearly but not fully met for the family of aircraft
% models under consideration.

%% Frequency-Domain Comparison of Controllers
% Compare the performance and robustness of the H-infinity
% controller |kinf| and mu controller |kmu|.  Recall that the performance
% specs are achieved when the closed loop
% gain is less than 1 for every frequency.
% Use the |lft| function to close the loop around each controller:

clinf = lft(OLIC,kinf);
clmu = lft(OLIC,kmu);

% What is the worst-case performance (in terms of closed-loop gain)
% of each controller for modeling errors bounded by |W_in|?
% The |wcgain| command helps you answer this difficult question directly
% without need for extensive gridding and simulation.

% Compute worst-case gain as a function of frequency
opt = wcOptions('VaryFrequency','on');

% Compute worst-case gain (as a function of frequency) for kinf
[mginf,wcuinf,infoinf] = wcgain(clinf,opt);

% Compute worst-case gain for kmu
[mgmu,wcumu,infomu] = wcgain(clmu,opt);

% You can now compare the nominal and worst-case performance
% for each controller:

f = infoinf.Frequency;
gnom = sigma(clinf.NominalValue,f);
title('Performance analysis for kinf')
xlabel('Frequency (rad/sec)')
ylabel('Closed-loop gain');
xlim([1e-2 1e2])
legend('Nominal Plant','Worst-Case','Location','NorthWest');

f = infomu.Frequency;
gnom = sigma(clmu.NominalValue,f);
title('Performance analysis for kmu')
xlabel('Frequency (rad/sec)')
ylabel('Closed-loop gain');
xlim([1e-2 1e2])
legend('Nominal Plant','Worst-Case','Location','SouthWest');

% The first plot shows that while the H-infinity controller |kinf| meets
% the performance specs for the nominal plant model, its
% performance can sharply deteriorate (peak gain near 15)
% for some perturbed model within our modeling error bounds.
% In contrast, the mu controller |kmu| has slightly worse performance for
% the nominal plant when compared to |kinf|, but it maintains this
% performance consistently for all perturbed models (worst-case gain near
% 1.25). The mu controller is therefore more *robust* to modeling errors.

%% Time-Domain Validation of the Robust Controller
% To further test the robustness of the mu controller |kmu| in the time
% domain, you can compare the time responses of the nominal and worst-case
% closed-loop models with the ideal "Handling Quality" response. To do this,
% first construct the "true" closed-loop model |CLSIM| where all weighting
% functions and HQ reference models have been removed:

kmu.u = {'p_cmd','beta_cmd','p_meas','r_meas','yac_meas'};
kmu.y = {'delta_stab','delta_rud'};

AAFilters.y = {'p_meas','r_meas','yac_meas'};

CLSIM = connect(Plant_unc(5:end,:),AAFilters,kmu,{'p_cmd','beta_cmd'},{'p','beta'});

% Next, create the test signals |u_stick| and |u_pedal| shown below

time = 0:0.02:15;
u_stick = (time>=9 & time<12);
u_pedal = (time>=1 & time<4) - (time>=4 & time<7);

subplot(211), plot(time,u_stick), axis([0 14 -2 2]), title('Lateral stick command')
subplot(212), plot(time,u_pedal), axis([0 14 -2 2]), title('Rudder pedal command')

% You can now compute and plot the ideal, nominal, and worst-case responses
% to the test commands u_stick and u_pedal

% Ideal behavior
IdealResp = append(HQ_p,HQ_beta);
IdealResp.y = {'p','beta'};

% Worst-case response
WCResp = usubs(CLSIM,wcumu);

% Compare responses
lsim(IdealResp,'g',CLSIM.NominalValue,'r',WCResp,'b:',[u_stick ; u_pedal],time)
title('Closed-loop responses with mu controller KMU')

% The closed-loop response is nearly identical for the
% nominal and worst-case closed-loop systems. Note that the roll-rate response
% of the aircraft tracks the roll-rate command well initially and then departs
% from this command. This is due to a right-half plane zero in the aircraft model at
% 0.024 rad/sec.