www.gusucode.com > robust_featured 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robust_featured/RobustDCMotorExample.m

    %% Robust Tuning of DC Motor Controller
% This example shows how to robustly tune a PID controller for
% a DC motor with imperfectly known parameters.

%   Copyright 1986-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% DC Motor Modeling
% An uncertain model of the DC motor is derived in the
% "Robustness of Servo Controller for DC Motor" example.
% The transfer function from applied voltage to angular velocity
% is given by
% $$P(s) = {K_m \over J L s^2 + (J R + L K_f) s + K_m K_b + R K_f}$$
% where the resistance $R$, the inductance $L$, the EMF constant $K_b$, 
% armature constant $K_m$, viscous friction $K_f$, and inertial load $J$
% are physical parameters of the motor. These parameters are not perfectly
% known and are subject to variation, so we model them as uncertain values
% with a specified range or percent uncertainty.

R = ureal('R',2,'Percentage',40);
L = ureal('L',0.5,'Percentage',40);
K = ureal('K',0.015,'Range',[0.012 0.019]);
Km = K; Kb = K;
Kf = ureal('Kf',0.2,'Percentage',50);
J = ureal('J',0.02,'Percentage',20);

P = tf(Km,[J*L J*R+Kf*L Km*Kb+Kf*R]);
P.InputName = 'Voltage';
P.OutputName = 'Speed';

% Time and frequency response functions like |step| or |bode| automatically 
% sample the uncertain parameters within their range. This is helpful to 
% gauge the impact of uncertainty. For example, plot the step response 
% of the uncertain plant |P| and note the large variation in plant DC gain.

legend('Sampled uncertainty','Nominal')

%% Robust PID Tuning
% To robustly tune a PID controller for this DC motor, create a tunable PID
% block |C| and construct a closed-loop model |CL0| of the feedback loop in Figure 1.
% Add an analysis point |dLoad| at the plant output to measure the sensitivity to 
% load disturbance.

C = tunablePID('C','pid');
AP = AnalysisPoint('dLoad');
CL0 = feedback(AP*P*C,1);
CL0.InputName = 'SpeedRef';
CL0.OutputName = 'Speed';

% <<../robustDC1.png>>
% *Figure 1: PID control of DC motor*
% There are many ways to specify the desired performance. Here
% we focus on sensitivity to load disturbance, roll-off, and closed-loop
% dynamics. 

R1 = TuningGoal.Sensitivity('dLoad',tf([1.25 0],[1 2])); 
R2 = TuningGoal.MaxLoopGain('dLoad',10,1);
R3 = TuningGoal.Poles('dLoad',0.1,0.7,25);

% The first goal |R1| specifies the desired profile for the sensitivity
% function. Sensitivity should be low at low frequency for good disturbance 
% rejection. The second goal |R2| imposes -20 dB/decade roll-off past 10 rad/s. 
% The third goal |R3| specifies the minimum decay, minimum damping, and maximum 
% natural frequency for the closed-loop poles. 






% You can now use |systune| to robustly tune the PID gains, that is, to 
% try and meet the design objectives for *all* possible
% values of the uncertain DC motor parameters. Because local minima may exist, 
% perform three separate tunings from three different sets of
% initial gain values.

opt = systuneOptions('RandomStart',2);
rng(0), [CL,fSoft] = systune(CL0,[R1 R2 R3],opt);

% The final value is close to 1 so the tuning goals are nearly achieved
% throughout the uncertainty range. The tuned PID controller is


% Next check how this PID rejects a step load disturbance for 
% 30 randomly selected values of the uncertain parameters.

S = getSensitivity(CL,'dLoad');
clf, step(usample(S,30),getNominal(S),3)
title('Load disturbance rejection')
legend('Sampled uncertainty','Nominal')

% The rejection performance remains uniform despite large plant variations.
% You can also verify that the sensitivity function robustly stays within the
% prescribed bound.


% Robust tuning  with |systune| is easy. Just include plant
% uncertainty in the tunable closed-loop model using |ureal| objects, and the
% software automatically tries to achieve the tuning goals for the entire
% uncertainty range.