www.gusucode.com > robust_featured 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robust_featured/RobustMassSpringDamperExample.m

    %% Robust Tuning of Mass-Spring-Damper System
% This example shows how to robustly tune a PID controller for
% an uncertain mass-spring-damper system modeled in Simulink. 

%   Copyright 1986-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Simulink Model of Mass-Spring-Damper System
% The mass-spring-damper depicted in Figure 1 is modeled by the
% second-order differential equation
% $$m \ddot{x} + c \dot{x} + k x = F$$
% where $F$ is the force applied to the mass and $x$ is the horizontal
% position of the mass.
% <<../mass_spring_damper.png>>
% *Figure 1: Mass-Spring-Damper System.*
% This system is modeled in Simulink as follows:


% We can use a PID controller to generate the effort $F$ needed to change the 
% position $x$. Tuning this PID controller is easy when the physical
% parameters $m,c,k$ are known exactly. However this is rarely the case in
% practice, due to a number of factors including imprecise measurements, 
% manufacturing tolerances, changes in operating conditions, and wear and tear. 
% This example shows how to take such uncertainty into account during tuning to maintain 
% high performance within the range of expected values for $m,c,k$.

%% Uncertainty Modeling
% The Simulink model uses the "most probable" or "nominal" values of
% $m,c,k$:
% $$m =3 , \;\; c = 1 , \;\; k = 2 .$$
% Use the "uncertain real" (|ureal|) object to model the range of values 
% that each parameter may take. Here the uncertainty is specified as
% a percentage deviation from the nominal value.

um = ureal('m',3,'Percentage',40);
uc = ureal('c',1,'Percentage',20);
uk = ureal('k',2,'Percentage',30);

%% Nominal Tuning
% First tune the PID controller for the nominal parameter values.
% Here we use two simple design requirements:
% * Position $x$ should track a step change with a 1 second response time
% * Filter coefficient $N$ in PID controller should not exceed 100.
% These requirements are expressed as tuning goals:

Req1 = TuningGoal.Tracking('r','x',1);
Req2 = TuningGoal.ControllerPoles('Controller',0,0,100);

% Create an |slTuner| interface for tuning the "Controller" block in the
% Simulink model, and use |systune| to tune the PID gains and best meet the
% two requirements.

ST0 = slTuner('rct_mass_spring_damper','Controller');

ST = systune(ST0,[Req1 Req2]);

% Use |getIOTransfer| to view the closed-loop step response.

Tnom = getIOTransfer(ST,'r','x');

% The nominal response meets the response time requirement and looks 
% good. But how robust is it to variations of $m,c,k$?

%% Robustness Analysis
% To answer this question, use the "block substitution" feature of |slTuner| 
% to create an uncertain closed-loop model of the mass-spring-damper
% system. Block substitution lets you specify the linearization of a
% particular block in a Simulink model. Here we use this to replace
% the crisp values of $m,c,k$ by the uncertain values |um,uc,uk| defined 
% above.

blocksubs(1).Name = 'rct_mass_spring_damper/Mass';
blocksubs(1).Value = 1/um;
blocksubs(2).Name = 'rct_mass_spring_damper/Damping';
blocksubs(2).Value = uc;
blocksubs(3).Name = 'rct_mass_spring_damper/Spring Stiffness';
blocksubs(3).Value = uk;
UST0 = slTuner('rct_mass_spring_damper','Controller',blocksubs);

% To assess the robustness of the nominal tuning, apply the tuned PID gains to
% the (untuned) uncertain model |UST0| and simulate the "uncertain" closed-loop
% response.

% Apply result of nominal tuning (ST) to uncertain closed-loop model UST0
Tnom = getIOTransfer(UST0,'r','x');
rng(0), step(Tnom,25), grid

% The |step| plot shows the closed-loop response with the nominally tuned
% PID for 20 randomly selected values of $m,c,k$ in the specified
% uncertainty range. Observe the significant performance degradation
% for some parameter combinations, with poorly damped oscillations and a 
% long settling time.

%% Robust Tuning
% To improve the robustness of the PID controller, re-tune it using the 
% uncertain closed-loop model |UST0| rather than the nominal closed-loop
% model |ST0|. Due to the presence of |ureal| components in the model, 
% |systune| automatically tries to maximize performance over the _entire_
% uncertainty range. This amounts to minimizing the worst-case value 
% of the "soft" tuning goals |Req1| and |Req2|.

UST0 = slTuner('rct_mass_spring_damper','Controller',blocksubs);

UST = systune(UST0,[Req1 Req2]);

% The robust performance is only slightly worse than the nominal
% performance, but the same uncertain closed-loop simulation shows
% a significant improvement over the nominal design.

Trob = getIOTransfer(UST,'r','x');
rng(0), step(Tnom,Trob,25), grid
legend('Nominal tuning','Robust tuning')

% This is confirmed by plotting the worst-case gain from $r$ to $x$ as
% a function of frequency. Note the attenuated resonance near 1 rad/s.

subplot(121), wcsigma(Tnom,{1e-2,1e2}), grid 
set(gca,'YLim',[-20 10]), title('Nominal tuning')
subplot(122), wcsigma(Trob,{1e-2,1e2}), grid
set(gca,'YLim',[-20 10]), title('Robust tuning'), legend('off')

% A comparison of the two PID controllers shows similar behaviors except
% for one key difference. The nominally tuned PID excessively relies on
% "cancelling" (notching out) the plant resonance, which is not a robust
% strategy in the presence of uncertainty on the resonance frequency.

Cnom = getBlockValue(ST,'Controller');
Crob = getBlockValue(UST,'Controller');
clf, bode(Cnom,Crob), grid
legend('Nominal tuning','Robust tuning')

% For further insight, plot the performance index (maximum value of the
% "soft" tuning goals |Req1,Req2|) as a function of the 
% uncertain parameters $m,k$ for the
% nominal damping $c=1$. Use the "varying parameter" feature of |slTuner| 
% to create an array of closed-loop models over a grid of $m,k$ values
% covering their uncertainty ranges.

% Specify a 6-by-6 grid of (m,k) values for linearization
ms = linspace(um.Range(1),um.Range(2),6);
ks = linspace(uk.Range(1),uk.Range(2),6);
[ms,ks] = ndgrid(ms,ks);
params(1).Name = 'm';
params(1).Value = ms;
params(2).Name = 'k';
params(2).Value = ks;
STP = slTuner('rct_mass_spring_damper','Controller',params);

% Evaluate performance index over (m,k) grid for nominally tuned PID
[~,F1] = evalSpec(Req1,STP);
[~,F2] = evalSpec(Req2,STP);
Fnom = max(F1,F2);

% Evaluate performance index over (m,k) grid for robust PID
[~,F1] = evalSpec(Req1,STP);
[~,F2] = evalSpec(Req2,STP);
Frob = max(F1,F2);

% Compare the two performance surfaces
subplot(211), surf(ms,ks,Fnom)
xlabel('m'), ylabel('k'), zlabel('Performance'), title('Nominal tuning (c=1)')
subplot(212), surf(ms,ks,Frob), set(gca,'ZLim',[1 2])
xlabel('m'), ylabel('k'), zlabel('Performance'), title('Robust tuning (c=1)')

% This plot shows that the nominal tuning is very
% sensitive to changes in mass $m$ or spring stiffness $k$, while the robust
% tuning is essentially insensitive to these parameters. To complete the
% design, use |writeBlockValue| to apply the robust PID gains to the 
% Simulink model and proceed with further validation in Simulink.
