www.gusucode.com > robust_featured 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robust_featured/RobustVibrationControlExample.m

    %% Robust Vibration Control in Flexible Beam
% This example shows how to robustly tune a controller for reducing vibrations 
% in a flexible beam. This example is adapted from "Control System Design"
% by G. Goodwin, S. Graebe, and M. Salgado.

%   Copyright 1986-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Uncertain Model of Flexible Beam
% Figure 1 depicts an active vibration control system for a flexible beam.
% <<../robustvib1.png>>
% *Figure 1: Active control of flexible beam*
% In this setup, a sensor measures the tip position $y(t)$ and the actuator
% is a piezoelectric patch delivering a force $u(t)$. We can model the
% transfer function from control input $u$ to tip position $y$ using
% finite-element analysis. Keeping only the first six 
% modes, we obtain a plant model of the form
% $$ G(s) = \sum_{i=1}^6 {\alpha_i \over s^2 + 2 \zeta_i \omega_i s + \omega_i^2 } $$ 
% with the following nominal values for the amplitudes $\alpha_i $ and
% natural frequencies $\omega_i$:
% $$ \alpha = 9.72 \times 10^{-4}, 0.0122, 0.0012, -0.0583, -0.0013 , 0.1199  $$
% $$ \omega = 18.95, 118.76, 332.54, 651.66, 1077.2, 1609.2 . $$ 
% The damping factors $\zeta_i$ are often poorly known and are assumed to
% range between 0.0002 and 0.02. Similarly, the natural frequencies are
% only approximately known and we assume 20% uncertainty on their
% location. To construct an uncertain model of the flexible beam, use the
% |ureal| object to specify the uncertainty range for the damping and
% natural frequencies. To simplify, we assume that all modes have the same 
% damping factor $\zeta$.

% Damping factor
zeta = ureal('zeta',0.002,'Range',[0.0002,0.02]);

% Natural frequencies
w1 = ureal('w1',18.95,'Percent',20);
w2 = ureal('w2',118.76,'Percent',20);
w3 = ureal('w3',332.54,'Percent',20);
w4 = ureal('w4',651.66,'Percent',20);
w5 = ureal('w5',1077.2,'Percent',20);
w6 = ureal('w6',1609.2,'Percent',20);

% Next combine these uncertain coefficients into the expression for $G(s)$.

alpha = [9.72e-4 0.0122 0.0012 -0.0583 -0.0013 0.1199];
G = tf(alpha(1),[1 2*zeta*w1 w1^2]) + tf(alpha(2),[1 2*zeta*w2 w2^2]) + ...
    tf(alpha(3),[1 2*zeta*w3 w3^2]) + tf(alpha(4),[1 2*zeta*w4 w4^2]) + ...
    tf(alpha(5),[1 2*zeta*w5 w5^2]) + tf(alpha(6),[1 2*zeta*w6 w6^2]);
G.InputName = 'uG';  G.OutputName = 'y';  

% Visualize the impact of uncertainty on the transfer function from $u$ to
% $y$. The |bode| function automatically shows the responses for 
% 20 randomly selected values of the uncertain parameters.

rng(0), bode(G,{1e0,1e4}), grid
title('Uncertain beam model')

%% Robust LQG Control
% LQG control is a natural formulation for active vibration control. With
% |systune|, you are not limited to a full-order optimal LQG controller and
% can tune controllers of any order. Here for example, let's tune a 6th-order
% state-space controller (half the plant order).

C = tunableSS('C',6,1,1);  

% The LQG control setup is depicted in Figure 2. The signals $d$ and 
% $n$ are the process and measurement noise, respectively.
% <<../robustvib2.png>>
% *Figure 2: LQG control structure*
% Build a closed-loop model of the block diagram in Figure 2.

C.InputName = 'yn';  C.OutputName = 'u';
S1 = sumblk('yn = y + n');
S2 = sumblk('uG = u + d');
CL0 = connect(G,C,S1,S2,{'d','n'},{'y','u'});

% Note that |CL0| depends on both the tunable controller |C| and the
% uncertain damping and natural frequencies.


% Use an LQG criterion as control objective. This tuning goal lets you
% specify the noise covariances and the weights on the performance
% variables.

R = TuningGoal.LQG({'d','n'},{'y','u'},diag([1,1e-10]),diag([1 1e-12]));

% Now tune the controller |C| to minimize the LQG cost over the entire
% uncertainty range.

[CL,fSoft,~,Info] = systune(CL0,R);

%% Validation
% Compare the open- and closed-loop Bode responses from $d$ to $y$ for
% 20 randomly chosen values of the uncertain parameters. Note how the
% controller clips the first three peaks in the Bode response.

Tdy = getIOTransfer(CL,'d','y');
title('Transfer from disturbance to tip position')
legend('Open loop','Closed loop')

% Next plot the open- and closed-loop responses to an impulse disturbance $d$.
% For readability, the open-loop response is plotted only for the nominal plant.

title('Response to impulse disturbance d')
legend('Open loop','Closed loop')

% Finally, |systune| also provides insight into the worst-case combinations
% of damping and natural frequency values. This information is available in 
% the output argument |Info|. 

WCU = Info.wcPert

% Use this data to plot the impulse response for the two worst-case scenarios.

title('Worst-case response to impulse disturbance d')