www.gusucode.com > robust_featured 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robust_featured/dcmotor_demo.m

    %% Robustness of Servo Controller for DC Motor
% This example shows how to use uncertain objects in Robust Control
% Toolbox(TM) to model uncertain systems and to automate robustness 
% calculations using the robustness analysis tools.

%   Copyright 1986-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Data Structures for Uncertainty Modeling
% Robust Control Toolbox lets you create uncertain elements, such as
% physical parameters whose values are not known exactly, and combine these
% elements into uncertain models.  You can then easily analyze the impact of
% uncertainty on the control system performance.
% For example, consider a plant model
% $$P(s) = \frac{\gamma}{\tau s + 1}$$
% where |gamma| can range in the interval [3,5] and |tau| has average
% value 0.5 with 30% variability.  You can create an uncertain model of P(s)
% as in this example:

gamma = ureal('gamma',4,'range',[3 5]);
tau = ureal('tau',.5,'Percentage',30);
P = tf(gamma,[tau 1])

% Suppose we have designed an integral controller |C| for the nominal 
% plant (|gamma|=4 and |tau|=0.5).  To find out how variations of 
% |gamma| and |tau| affect the plant and the closed-loop performance,
% we form the closed-loop system |CLP| from |C| and  |P|.

KI = 1/(2*tau.Nominal*gamma.Nominal);
C = tf(KI,[1 0]);
CLP = feedback(P*C,1)

% We can now generate 20 random samples of the uncertain parameters 
% |gamma| and |tau| and plot the corresponding step responses of the
% plant and closed-loop models:

subplot(2,1,1); step(usample(P,20)), title('Plant response (20 samples)')
subplot(2,1,2); step(usample(CLP,20)), title('Closed-loop response (20 samples)')

% *Figure 1:* Step responses of the plant and closed-loop models

% The bottom plot shows that the closed-loop system is reasonably robust despite
% significant fluctuations in the plant DC gain.  This is a desirable, and
% common characteristic of a properly designed feedback system.

%% DC Motor Example with Parameter Uncertainty and Unmodeled Dynamics
% Now we'll build on the Control System Toolbox(TM) DC motor example by adding
% parameter uncertainty and unmodeled dynamics, and investigating the
% robustness of the servo controller to such uncertainty.
% The nominal model of the DC motor is defined by the resistance R, the
% inductance L, the emf constant Kb, armature constant Km, the linear
% approximation of viscous friction Kf and the inertial load J.  Each of
% these components varies within a specific range of values.  The resistance
% and inductance constants range within +/- 40% of their nominal values.
% We use the |ureal| function to construct these uncertain parameters:

R = ureal('R',2,'Percentage',40);
L = ureal('L',0.5,'Percentage',40);

% For physical reasons, the values of Kf and Kb are the same, even if they
% are uncertain.  In this example, the nominal value is 0.015 with a range
% between 0.012 and 0.019.

K = ureal('K',0.015,'Range',[0.012 0.019]);
Km = K;
Kb = K;

% Viscous friction, Kf, has a nominal value of 0.2 with a 50% variation in
% its value. 

Kf = ureal('Kf',0.2,'Percentage',50);

%% Electrical and Mechanical Equations
% The current in the electrical circuit, and the torque applied to the
% rotor can be expressed in terms of the applied voltage and the angular
% speed. Create the transfer function |H| relating these variables, and
% make |AngularSpeed| an output of |H| for later use:

H = [1;0;Km] * tf(1,[L R]) * [1 -Kb] + [0 0;0 1;0 -Kf];
H.InputName = {'AppliedVoltage';'AngularSpeed'};
H.OutputName = {'Current';'AngularSpeed';'RotorTorque'};

% H is an multi-input, multi-output uncertain system as seen from its
% display.

% The motor typically drives an inertia, whose dynamic characteristics
% relate the applied torque to the rate-of-change of the angular speed.
% For a rigid body, this is a constant.   A more realistic, but uncertain, model
% might contain unknown damped resonances.  Use the |ultidyn| object to model
% uncertain linear time-invariant dynamics.   The nominal value
% of the rigid body inertia is set to 0.02 and we add 15% dynamic uncertainty
% in multiplicative form:

J = 0.02*(1 + ultidyn('Jlti',[1 1],'Type','GainBounded','Bound',0.15,...

%% Uncertain Model of DC Motor
% It is a simple matter to relate the |AngularSpeed| input to the |RotorTorque|
% output through the uncertain inertia, |J|, using the |lft| command.
% The AngularSpeed input equals RotorTorque/(J*s), hence "positive"
% feedback from the 3rd output to the 2nd input of |H| is used
% to make the connection.  This results in a system with 1 input
% (|AppliedVoltage|) and 2 outputs, (|Current| and |AngularSpeed|).

Pall = lft(H, tf(1,[1 0])/J);

% Select only the AngularSpeed output for the remainder of the control
% analysis.

P = Pall(2,:)

% P is a single-input, single-output uncertain model of the DC motor.
% For analysis purposes, we use the nominal controller synthesized for the DC 
% motor in the "Getting Started with the Control System Toolbox(TM)" manual.

Cont = tf(84*[.233 1],[.0357 1 0]);

%% Open-Loop Analysis
% First, let's compare the step response of the nominal DC motor with 20 samples of the 
% uncertain model of the DC motor:

% *Figure 2:* Open-loop step response analysis

% Similarly, we can compare the Bode plot of the open-loop nominal (red) and 
% sampled (blue) uncertain models of the DC motor.

om = logspace(-1,2,80);
Pg = ufrd(P,om);

% *Figure 3:* Open-loop Bode plot analysis

%% Closed-Loop Robustness Analysis
% In this section, we analyze the stability and performance robustness of
% the closed-loop DC motor system.  Our initial analysis of the nominal
% closed-loop system indicates the nominal closed-loop system is very
% robust with 10.5 gain margin and 54.3 deg of phase margin.    


% *Figure 4:* Closed-loop robustness analysis

% The |loopmargin| function provides comprehensive stability analysis for
% multivariable feedback systems.  For a control system with N feedback
% channels, the |loopmargin| function returns: 
% * The classical gain and phase margins SM for each individual feedback
%   channel (loop-at-a-time margins)
% * The disk margins DM for each individual feedback channel. 
% The disk margin for the j-th feedback channel indicates by how much the
% transfer function Lj(s) can vary before this particular loop goes unstable.
% * The multi-loop disk margin MM
% This indicates how much simultaneous, independent gain and phase
% variations can be tolerated in each feedback channel before the overall
% closed-loop system goes unstable (same as DM for single-loop control
% systems). 

[SM,DM,MM] = loopmargin(P.NominalValue*Cont);

% Classical stability margins

% Disk margin

% Recall that the DC motor plant is uncertain. In addition to the standard
% gain and phase margins, we can use the |wcmargin| function to determine the
% worst-case gain/phase margins for the plant-controller feedback loop.  The
% |wcmargin| function calculates the worst-case disk gain and phase margins
% for each input/output channel.  The worst-case analysis shows a possible
% degradation of the disk gain and phase margins, which were 11 dB
% and 59 degs respectively, to 1.2dB and 8 degs, respectively, in the
% presence of the 5 forms of uncertainty modeled in |P|.     

wcmarg = wcmargin(Pg,Cont)

%% Robustness of Disturbance Rejection Characteristics
% The sensitivity function is a standard measure of closed-loop performance for
% the feedback system.  Let's compute the uncertain sensitivity function |S| and
% compare the Bode magnitude plots for the nominal and sampled uncertain  
% sensitivity function.

S = feedback(1,P*Cont);

% *Figure 5:* Magnitude of sensitivity function S.

% In the time domain, the sensitivity function indicates how well a
% step disturbance can be rejected.  Let's sample the uncertain sensitivity
% function and plot its step response to see the variability in
% disturbance rejection characteristics (nominal appears in red). 

title('Disturbance Rejection')

% *Figure 6:* Rejection of a step disturbance.

% We can use the |wcgain| function to compute the worst-case value of the
% uncertain sensitivity function gain (peak across frequency).
% Alternatively, we can use the |wcsens| function to compute this value:  
% this value.

Sg = ufrd(S,om);
[maxgain,worstuncertainty] = wcgain(Sg);

% With the |usubs| function you can substitute the worst-case values of the
% uncertainty |worstuncertainty| into the uncertain sensitivity function
% |S|.  This gives the worst-case sensitivity function |Sworst| over the
% entire uncertainty range.  Note that the peak gain of |Sworst| matches the
% lower-bound computed by |wcgain|. 

Sworst = usubs(S,worstuncertainty);
Sgworst = frd(Sworst,Sg.Frequency);

% Now let's compare the step responses of the nominal and worst-case
% sensitivity:

title('Disturbance Rejection')

% *Figure 7:* Nominal and worst-case rejection of a step disturbance

% Finally, let's plot Bode magnitude plots of the nominal and worst-case values of the 
% sensitivity function.  Observe that the peak value of |Sworst| occurs at
% the frequency |maxgain.CriticalFrequency|:

hold on
hold off

% *Figure 8:* Magnitude of nominal and worst-case sensitivity