www.gusucode.com > robust_featured 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robust_featured/loopmargin_demo.m

    %% Loop Margins for an Airframe Autopilot
%   Copyright 2006-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

% This example shows how to use |loopmargin| to analyze the
% closed-loop robustness of Simulink models with specified loop-breaking
% points. 

% This example is drawn from the Simulink(R) Control Design(TM) example
% "Trimming and Linearizing an Airframe". See this example for 
% details on the operating point specification, linearization I/O objects,
% and linearization. The airframe autopilot is modeled as follows:

%% Stability Margin Analysis with LOOPMARGIN 
% Linearized Stability Margin analysis of the airframe autopilot feedback 
% loops is done using |loopmargin|.  Define margin analysis points at the 
% outputs of the Airframe Model block corresponding to the normal 
% acceleration, az, and pitch rate, q.
block1 = 'airframemargin/Airframe Model';
port1 = 1;

% Use |loopmargin| to compute the linearized margins at all loop-opening
% points (in this case, there are two), at the forward speed of 984 m/s 
% operating condition. 
[cm,dm,mm,info] = loopmargin('airframemargin',{block1},port1);

% For comparison, the results are compared with those derived using the 
% commands |linearize| and |allmargin|.
L = linearize('airframemargin',info.OperatingPoint,info.LinearizationIO);
cm1 = allmargin(-L)

%% LOOPMARGIN with Multiple Operating Points 
% Create an additional margin analysis point at the output of the 
% Combustion block.  
block2 = 'airframemargin/Airframe Model';
port2 = 2;

% Note that there are now two margin analysis points in the Simulink model.
% The multi-loop stability margins for the two loops are calculated using 
% |loopmargin|.  Here the calculation is performed at the single 
% operating point.  |CM| (classical margin) and |DM| (disc margin) are
% 2-by-1 |struct| arrays, while |MM| (multi-loop margin) is a scalar
% |struct|.
block = {block1; block2};
port = [port1; port2];
[CM,DM,MM,info] = loopmargin('airframemargin',block,port)
L = linearize('airframemargin',info.OperatingPoint,info.LinearizationIO);
cm2 = allmargin(lft(-1,-L,1,1))

% Similarly, the stability margins for the two loops at the three operating 
% points are calculated.  |CM| and |DM| are 2-by-3 |struct| arrays, where the 
% second dimension corresponds to dimensions of the |OperPoint| object.
snapt = [0.1; 15; 20];  % snapt = 0 gives a different # of states than snapt>0
[CM,DM,MM,info] = loopmargin('airframemargin',block,port,snapt)

% |info| is a structure with fields |OperatingPoint|, |LinearizationIO|, |L|,
% and |SignalNames|.  |SignalNames| is a cell containing the names of the 
% individual loops.


% Close the model.