www.gusucode.com > robust_featured 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robust_featured/loopsyn_demo.m

    %% Loop Shaping of HIMAT Pitch Axis Controller
% This example shows how to use Robust Control Toolbox(TM) to design a multi-input,
% multi-output controller by shaping the gain of an open-loop response
% across frequency. This technique is applied to controlling the pitch axis
% of a HIMAT aircraft.
% We show how to choose a suitable target loop shape and to use
% the |loopsyn| function to compute a multivariable controller that optimally
% matches the target loop shape.

%   Copyright 1986-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Loop Shaping Specifications: Performance, Bandwidth, and Robustness
% Typically, loop shaping is a tradeoff between two potentially conflicting
% objectives. We want to maximize the open-loop gain to get the best
% possible performance, but for robustness, we need to drop the gain below 0dB
% where the model accuracy is poor and high gain might cause instabilities.
% This requires a good model where performance is needed (typically at low
% frequencies), and sufficient roll-off at higher frequencies where the model
% is often poor. The frequency Wc, where the gain crosses the 0dB line, is
% called the crossover frequency and marks the transition between
% performance and robustness requirements.
% <<../loopsyn_demo1.png>>
% *Figure 1:* Loop shaping specifications.

%% Target Loop Shape
% There are several guidelines for choosing a target loop shape |Gd|:
% * *Stability Robustness*: |Gd| should have a gain of less than 0dB at high
% frequencies, where the plant model is so poor that the phase error may
% approach 180 degrees.
% * *Performance*: |Gd| should have high gain where you want good control
% accuracy and good disturbance rejection.
% * *Crossover and Rolloff*: |Gd| should cross the 0dB line between these
% two frequency regions, and roll off with a slope of -20 to -40 dB/decade
% past the crossover frequency Wc.
% A simple target loop shape is
% $$G_d = W_c/s$$
% where the crossover |Wc| is the reciprocal of the rise-time of the
% desired step response.

%% Model of NASA's HiMAT Aircraft
% For illustration purposes, let's use a six-state model of the longitudinal dynamics of the HiMAT
% aircraft trimmed at 25000 ft and 0.9 Mach.  The aircraft dynamics are
% unstable, with two right-half plane phugoid modes.
% <<../loopsyn_demo0.jpg>>

% *Figure 2:* NASA HiMAT aircraft
% This model has two control inputs:
% * Elevon deflection
% * Canard deflection
% It also has two measured outputs:
% * Angle of attack alpha
% * Pitch angle theta
% The model is unreliable beyond 100 rad/sec. Fuselage bending modes and
% other uncertain factors induces deviations  between the model and the
% true aircraft of as much as 20 decibels (or 1000%) beyond frequency 100
% rad/sec.

ag = [
-2.2567e-02  -3.6617e+01  -1.8897e+01  -3.2090e+01   3.2509e+00  -7.6257e-01;
9.2572e-05  -1.8997e+00   9.8312e-01  -7.2562e-04  -1.7080e-01  -4.9652e-03;
1.2338e-02   1.1720e+01  -2.6316e+00   8.7582e-04  -3.1604e+01   2.2396e+01;
0            0   1.0000e+00            0            0            0;
0            0            0            0  -3.0000e+01            0;
0            0            0            0            0  -3.0000e+01];
bg = [0     0;
      0     0;
      0     0;
      0     0;
     30     0;
      0    30];
cg = [0     1     0     0     0     0;
      0     0     0     1     0     0];
dg = [0     0;
      0     0];
G = ss(ag,bg,cg,dg);
G.InputName = {'elevon','canard'};
G.OutputName = {'alpha','theta'};

step(G), title('Open-loop step response of HIMAT aircraft')

% Our task is to control |alpha| and |theta| by issuing appropriate 
% elevon and canard commands. We also want minimum spillover between
% channels - that is, a command in alpha should have minimum effect on theta
% and vice versa.

%% Loop Shaping Design Steps
% Designing a controller with |loopsyn| involves the following steps:
% * Step 1: Look at the plant dynamics and responses
% * Step 2: Specify the desired loop shape Gd
% * Step 3: Use |loopsyn| to compute the optimal loop shaping controller
% * Step 4: Analyze the shaped-loop L, closed-loop T, and sensitivity S
% * Step 5: Verify that the closed-loop responses meet your specs.

%% Step 1: Analyzing the Plant Dynamics
% In this example, the aircraft model |G| has two unstable right-half plane
% phugoid-mode poles. It has one zero, which is in the left-half plane: 

plant_poles = pole(G)
plant_zeros = tzero(G)  

% We'll use |sigma| to plot the min and max I/O gain as a function of frequency:

clf, sigma(G,'g',{.1,100});
title('Singular value plot for aircraft model G(s)');

% *Figure 4:* Singular value plot for aircraft model G(s). 

%% Step 2: Specifying the Target Desired Loop Shape Gd 
% For this design we use the target loop shape Gd(s)=8/s 
% corresponding to a rise time of about 1/8=0.125 sec.

s = zpk('s'); % Laplace variable s
Gd = 8/s;     
sigma(Gd,{.1 100})
title('Target loop shape Gd(s).')

% create textarrow pointing to crossover frequency Wc
hold on;
plot([.1,100],[0 0],'k');
text(3,23,'Crossover Frequency \omega_c = 8');
hold off;

% *Figure 5:* Target loop shape Gd(s).

%% Step 3: Using LOOPSYN to Compute the Optimal Loop-Shaping Controller 
% Now, we're ready to design an H-infinity controller |K|, such that 
% the gains of the open-loop response G(s)*K(s) match the target-loop
% shape Gd as well as possible (while stabilizing the aircraft dynamics).

[K,CL,GAM] = loopsyn(G,Gd);

% The value GAM=1.6445 indicates that the target-loop shape was met within 
% +/-4.3dB (using 20*log10(GAM)=4.32). Compare the singular values of the 
% open-loop L=G*K with the target-loop shape |Gd|:

L = G*K;              % form the compensated loop L
legend('Gd (target loop shape)','L (actual loop shape)');

% *Figure 6:* Singular values of L compared to Gd

%% Step 4: Analyzing the Shaped-Loop L, Closed-Loop T, and Sensitivity S
% Next we'll compare the gains of the open-loop transfer L, closed-loop transfer
% T, and sensitivity function S.

T = feedback(L,eye(2));
T.InputName = {'alpha command','theta command'};
S = eye(2)-T;

% SIGMA frequency response plots
legend('1/\sigma(S) performance',...
	'\sigma(T) robustness',...
	'\sigma(L) open loop',...
	'\sigma(Gd) target loop shape',...
	'\sigma(Gd) \pm GAM(dB)');
% Make lines wider and fonts larger

% set(findobj(gca,'Type','line','-not','Color','b'),'LineWidth',2);
h = findobj(gca,'Type','line','-not','Color','b');
% *Figure 7:* Sigma frequency response plots.

%% Step 5: Verifying that the Closed-Loop Responses Meet Your
%% Specifications
% Finally, in this step we plot the step responses of the closed-loop
% system T.

title('Responses to step commands for alpha and theta');

% *Figure 8:* Responses to step commands for alpha and theta. 

% Our design looks good. The alpha and theta controls are
% fairly decoupled, overshoot is less the 15 percent, and peak time is 
% only 0.5 sec. 

%% Controller Simplification
% We just designed a 2-input, 2-output controller |K| with satisfactory
% performance. However this controller has fairly high order: 


% We can now use model reduction algorithms to try to simplify this 
% controller while retaining its performance characteristics. First we
% compute the Hankel singular values of |K| to understand how many 
% controller states effectively contribute to the control law:

hsv = hankelsv(K);
title('Hankel singular values of K')

% *Figure 9:* Hankel singular values of K. 

% The Hankel singular values (HSV) measure the relative energy of each state in a 
% balanced realization of |K|. Notice that the HSV for the 10th state is four orders 
% of magnitude smaller than for the 9th state, so try computing a 9th-order
% approximation of K

Kr = reduce(K,9);

% The simplified controller |Kr| has order 9 compared to 16 for the initial 
% controller |K|. Compare the approximation 
% error |K-Kr| across frequency  with the gains of |K|.

legend('K','error K-Kr')

% This plot suggests that the approximation error is small in relative
% terms, so go ahead and compare the closed-loop responses with the
% original and simplified controllers |K| and |Kr|

Tr = feedback(G*Kr,eye(2));
title('Responses to step commands for alpha and theta');

% *Figure 11:* Responses to step commands for alpha and theta. 

% The two responses are indistinguishable so the simplified 9th-order
% controller |Kr| is a good substitute for |K| for implementation purposes.