www.gusucode.com > robust_featured 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robust_featured/mixedmu_demo.m

    %% Control of a Spring-Mass-Damper System Using Mixed mu-Synthesis
% This example shows how to perform mixed mu-synthesis with the |dksyn| 
% command in the Robust Control Toolbox(TM). Here |dksyn| is used to
% design a robust controller for a two mass-spring-damper
% system with uncertainty in the spring stiffness connecting the
% two masses. This example is taken from the paper 
% _"Robust mixed-mu synthesis performance for mass-spring system with 
% stiffness uncertainty," D. Barros, S. Fekri and M. Athans,
% 2005 Mediterranean Control Conference_.

%   Copyright 1986-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Performance Specifications
% Consider the mass-spring-damper system in Figure 1. Spring |k2| and
% damper |b2| are attached to the wall and mass |m2|. Mass |m2| is also
% attached to mass |m1| through spring |k1| and damper |b1|. Mass 2
% is affected by the disturbance force |f2|. The system is controlled 
% via force |f1| acting on mass |m1|.

% <<../mass-spring.jpg>>

% Our design goal is to use the control force |f1| to attenuate the effect 
% of the disturbance |f2| on the position of mass |m2|. The
% force |f1| does not directly act on mass |m2|, rather it acts through
% the spring stiffness |k1|. Hence any uncertainty in the spring stiffness
% |k1| will make the control problem more difficult. The control problem
% is formulated as:
% * The controller measures the noisy displacement of mass |m2| and
% applies the control force |f1|. The sensor noise, |Wn|, is modeled as a
% constant 0.001.
% * The actuator command is penalized by a factor 0.1 at low 
% frequency and a factor 10 at high frequency with a crossover frequency of 
% 100 rad/s (filter |Wu|).
% * The unit magnitude, first-order coloring filter, |Wdist|, on the 
% disturbance has a pole at 0.25 rad/s.
% * The performance objective is to attenuate the disturbance on mass |m2|
% by a factor of 80 below 0.1 rad/s.
% The nominal values of the system parameters are |m1=1|, |m2=2|, |k2=1|,
% |b1=0.05|, |b2=0.05|, and |k1=2|.

Wn = tf(0.001);
Wu = 10*tf([1 10],[1 1000]);
Wdist = tf(0.25,[1 0.25],'inputname','dist','outputname','f2');
Wp = 80*tf(0.1,[1 0.1]);
m1 = 1;
m2 = 2;
k2 = 1;
b1 = 0.05;
b2 = 0.05;

%% Uncertainty Modeling
% The value of spring stiffness |k1| is uncertain. It has a nominal value
% of 2 and its value can vary between 1.2 and 2.8. 

k1 = ureal('k1',2,'Range',[1.2 2.8]);

% There is also a time delay |tau| between the commanded actuator force 
% |f1| and its application
% to mass |m1|. The maximum delay is 0.06 seconds. Neglecting this time delay
% introduces a multiplicative error of |exp(-s*tau)-1|. This error 
% can be treated as unmodeled dynamics bounded in magnitude by the high-pass 
% filter |Wunmod = 2.6*s/(s + 40)|:

tau = ss(1,'InputDelay',0.06);
Wunmod = 2.6*tf([1 0],[1 40]);
title('Multiplicative Time-Delay Error: Actual vs. Bound') 

% Construct an uncertain state-space model of the plant with 
% the control force |f1| and disturbance |f2| as inputs.

a1c = [0 0 -1/m1  1/m2]'*k1;
a2c = [0 0  1/m1 -1/m2]'*k1 + [0 0 0 -k2/m2]';
a3c = [1 0 -b1/m1 b1/m2]';
a4c = [0 1 b1/m1 -(b1+b2)/m2]';
A  = [a1c a2c a3c a4c];
plant = ss(A,[0 0;0 0;1/m1 0;0 1/m2],[0 1 0 0],[0 0]);
plant.StateName = {'z1';'z2';'z1dot';'z2dot'};
plant.OutputName = {'z2'};

% Add the unmodeled delay dynamics at the first plant input.
Delta = ultidyn('Delta',[1 1]);
plant = plant * append(1+Delta*Wunmod,1);
plant.InputName = {'f1','f2'};

% Plot the Bode response from f1 to z2 for 20 sample values of the uncertainty.
% The uncertainty on the value of k1 causes fluctuations in the
% natural frequencies of the plant modes.

%% Control Design 
% We use the following structure for controller synthesis: 

% <<../springmassic.png>>
% *Figure 2* 

% Use |connect| to construct the corresponding open-loop 
% interconnection |IC|. Note that |IC| is an uncertain model
% with uncertain variables |k1| and |Delta|.

Wu.u = 'f1';  Wu.y = 'Wu';
Wp.u = 'z2';  Wp.y = 'Wp';
Wn.u = 'noise';  Wn.y = 'Wn';
S = sumblk('z2n = z2 + Wn');
IC = connect(plant,Wdist,Wu,Wp,Wn,S,{'dist','noise','f1'},{'Wp','Wu','z2n'})

%% Complex mu-Synthesis
% You can use the command |dksyn| to synthesize a robust controller 
% for the open-loop interconnection |IC|. By default, |dksyn| treats
% all uncertain real parameters, in this example |k1|, as complex uncertainty.
% Recall that |k1| is a real parameter with a nominal value of 2 and a
% range between 1.2 and 2.8. In complex mu-synthesis, it is replaced
% by a complex uncertain parameter varying in a disk centered at 2 and
% with radius 0.8. The plot below compares the range of k1 values when k1
% is treated as real (red x) vs. complex (blue *).

k1c = ucomplex('k1c',2,'Radius',0.8);  % complex approximation

% Plot 80 samples of the real and complex parameters
k1samp = usample(k1,80);
k1csamp = usample(k1c,80);
hold on

% Draw value ranges for real and complex k1
plot(k1.Nominal,0,'rx',[1.2 2.8],[0 0],'r-','MarkerSize',14,'LineWidth',2)
hold off

% Plot formatting
axis([1 3 -1 1]), axis square
ylabel('Imaginary'), xlabel('Real')
title('Real vs. complex uncertainty model for k1')

% Synthesize a robust controller |Kc| using complex mu-synthesis (treating |k1|
% as a complex parameter).

[Kc,gc,mu_c,infoc] = dksyn(IC,1,1);

% mu value when treating k1 as complex:

% Note that |mu_c| exceeds 1 so the controller |Kc| fails to robustly achieve 
% the desired performance level.

%% Mixed mu-Synthesis
% Mixed mu-synthesis accounts for uncertain real parameters directly in the
% synthesis process. Mixed-mu synthesis is enabled via the |dkitopt|
% option |MixedMU|. The |dkitopt| option |AutoScalingOrder|  is
% used to set the order of the D and G scalings used in  mixed-mu
% synthesis. The D scale orders, associated with the complex uncertainties,
% are set to a maximum of fifth order and the G scale order, associated
% with the uncertain real parameters, are set to a maximum of sixth
% order.

opt = dksynOptions('MixedMU','on','AutoScalingOrder',[5 6]);
[Km,gm,mu_m] = dksyn(IC,1,1,opt);

% mu value when treating k1 as real:

% Mixed mu-synthesis is able to find a controller that
% achieves the desired performance and robustness objectives. A
% comparison of the open-loop responses shows that the mixed-mu 
% controller |Km| gives less phase margin near 3 rad/s because
% it only needs to guard against real variations of |k1|.

% Note: Negative sign because interconnection in Fig 2 uses positive feedback 
legend('P*Kc - complex mu loop gain','P*Km - mixed mu loop gain','location','SouthWest')

%% Worst-Case Analysis
% A comparison of the two controllers indicates that taking advantage of
% the "realness" of |k1| results in a better performing, more
% robust controller. 
% To assess the worst-case closed-loop performance of |Kc| and |Km|, form 
% the closed-loop interconnection of Figure 2 and use the command
% |wcgain| to determine how large the disturbance-to-error
% norm can get for the specified plant uncertainty.

clpKc = lft(IC,Kc);
clpKm = lft(IC,Km);
[maxgainKc,badpertKc] = wcgain(clpKc);

[maxgainKm,badpertKm] = wcgain(clpKm);

% The mixed-mu controller |Km| robustly achieves the desired 
% performance since the worst-case gain of the closed-loop system |clpKm|
% is less than 1. The complex-mu controller |Kc|, however, fails to 
% robustly meet the specifications since the closed-loop gain reaches
% 4.2 for the worst-case value |badpertKc| of the plant uncertainty.

%% Disturbance Rejection Simulations 
% To compare the disturbance rejection performance of |Kc| and |Km|, 
% first build closed-loop models of the transfer from input disturbance
% |dist| to |f2|, |f1|, and |z2| (position of the mass |m2|)
% <<../icsim.png>>

Km.u = 'z2';  Km.y = 'f1';
clsimKm = connect(plant,Wdist,Km,'dist',{'f2','f1','z2'});
Kc.u = 'z2';  Kc.y = 'f1';
clsimKc = connect(plant,Wdist,Kc,'dist',{'f2','f1','z2'});

% Inject white noise into the low-pass filter |Wdist| to simulate 
% the input disturbance |f2|. The nominal closed-loop performance 
% of the two designs is nearly identical.

t = 0:.01:100;
dist = randn(size(t));
yKc = lsim(clsimKc.Nominal,dist,t);
yKm = lsim(clsimKm.Nominal,dist,t);

% Plot
title('Nominal Disturbance Rejection Response')

ylabel('f1 (control)')

ylabel('f2 (disturbance)')
xlabel('Time (sec)')
% Next, compare the worst-case scenarios for |Kc| and |Km| by setting the 
% plant uncertainty to the worst-case values computed with |wcgain|.

clsimKc_wc = usubs(clsimKc,badpertKc);
clsimKm_wc = usubs(clsimKm,badpertKm);
yKc_wc = lsim(clsimKc_wc,dist,t);
yKm_wc = lsim(clsimKm_wc,dist,t);

title('Worse-Case Disturbance Rejection Response')
ylabel('f1 (control)')

% This shows that the mixed-mu controller |Km| significantly outperforms
% |Kc| in the worst-case scenario. By exploiting the fact that |k1| is real,
% the mixed-mu controller is able to deliver better performance at equal
% robustness.