www.gusucode.com > robust_featured 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robust_featured/model_reduction_demo.m

    %% Simplifying Higher-Order Plant Models
% This example shows how to use Robust Control Toolbox(TM) to approximate
% high-order plant models by simpler, low-order models.

% Copyright 1986-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Introduction
% Robust Control Toolbox offers tools to deal with large models such
% as:
% * *High-Order Plants:* Detailed first-principles or finite-element models
% of your plant tend to have high order. Often we want to simplify
% such models for simulation or control design purposes.
% * *High-Order Controllers:* Robust control techniques often yield
% high-order controllers. This is common, for example, when we use
% frequency-weighting functions for shaping the open-loop response. We will
% want to simplify such controllers for implementation.
% For control purposes, it is generally enough to have an accurate model near
% the crossover frequency. For simulation, it is enough to capture
% the essential dynamics in the frequency range of the excitation signals.
% This means that it is often possible to find low-order approximations of
% high-order models. Robust Control Toolbox offers a variety of
% model-reduction algorithms to best suit your requirements and your model
% characteristics.

%% The Model Reduction Process
% A model reduction task typically involves the following steps:
% * Analyze the important characteristics of the model from its time or
% frequency-domain responses obtained from |step| or |bode|, for example.
% * Determine an appropriate reduced order by plotting the Hankel singular
% values of the original model (|hankelsv|) to determine which modes
% (states) can be discarded without sacrificing the key characteristics.
% * Choose a reduction algorithm. Some reduction methods available in the
% toolbox are: |balancmr|, |bstmr|, |schurmr|, |hankelmr|, and |ncfmr|
% We can easily access these algorithms through the top-level interface
% |reduce|. The methods employ different measures of "closeness"
% between the original and reduced models. The choice is application-dependent.
% Let's try each of them to investigate their relative merits.
% * Validation: We validate our results by comparing the dynamics of the
% reduced model to the original. We may need to adjust our reduction
% parameters (choice of model order, algorithm, error bounds etc.) if the
% results are not satisfactory.

%% Example: A Model for Rigid Body Motion of a Building
% In this example, we apply the reduction methods to a model of the
% building of the Los Angeles University Hospital. The model is taken from
% SLICOT Working Note 2002-2, "A collection of benchmark examples for model
% reduction of linear time invariant dynamical systems," by Y. Chahlaoui
% and P.V. Dooren. It has eight floors, each with three degrees of freedom
% - two displacements and one rotation. We represent the input-output
% relationship for any one of these displacements using a 48-state model,
% where each state represents a displacement or its rate of change
% (velocity).
% Let's load the data for the example:

load buildingData.mat

%% Examining the Plant Dynamics
% Let's begin by analyzing the frequency response of the model:
grid on

% *Figure 1:* Bode diagram to analyze the frequency response

% As observed from the frequency response of the model, the essential
% dynamics of the system lie in the frequency range of 3 to 50
% radians/second. The magnitude drops in both the very low and the
% high-frequency ranges. Our objective is to find a low-order model that
% preserves the information content in this frequency range to an
% acceptable level of accuracy. 

%% Computing Hankel Singular Values
% To understand which states of the model can be safely discarded, look at
% the Hankel singular values of the model: 

hsv_add = hankelsv(G);
title('Hankel Singular Values of the Model (G)');
xlabel('Number of States')
ylabel('Singular Values (\sigma_i)')
line([10.5 10.5],[0 1.5e-3],'Color','r','linestyle','--','linewidth',1)
text(6,1.6e-3,'10 dominant states.')

% *Figure 2:* Hankel singular values of the model (G).

% The Hankel singular value plot suggests that there are four dominant modes
% in this system. However, the contribution of the remaining modes is still
% significant. We'll draw the line at 10 states and discard the remaining
% ones to find a 10th-order reduced model |Gr| that best approximates the
% original system |G|.  

%% Performing Model Reduction Using an Additive Error Bound
% The function |reduce| is the gateway to all model reduction routines
% available in the toolbox. We'll use the default, square-root balance
% truncation ('balancmr') option of |reduce| as the first step. This method
% uses an "additive" error bound for reduction, meaning that it tries to
% keep the absolute approximation error uniformly small across frequencies.

% Compute 10th-order reduced model (reduce uses balancmr method by default)
[Gr_add,info_add] = reduce(G,10);

% Now compare the original model G to the reduced model Gr_add
grid on
title('Comparing Original (G) to the Reduced model (Gr\_add)')
legend('G - 48-state original ','Gr\_add - 10-state reduced','location','northeast')

% *Figure 3:* Comparing original (G) to the reduced model (Gr_add)

%% Performing Model Reduction Using a Multiplicative Error Bound
% As seen from the Bode diagram in Figure 3, the reduced model captures the
% resonances below 30 rad/s quite well, but the match in the low
% frequency region (<2 rad/s) is poor. Also, the reduced model does not
% fully capture the dynamics in the 30-50 rad/s frequency range. A possible
% explanation for large errors at low frequencies is the relatively low
% gain of the model at these frequencies. Consequently, even large errors
% at these frequencies contribute little to the overall
% error. 
% To get around this problem, we can try a multiplicative-error method such
% as |bstmr|. This algorithm emphasizes relative errors rather than
% absolute ones. Because relative comparisons do not work when gains are
% close to zero, we need to add a minimum-gain threshold, for example by
% adding a feedthrough gain |D| to our original model. Assuming we are not
% concerned about errors at gains below -100 dB, we can set the feedthrough
% to 1e-5. 

GG = G;
GG.D = 1e-5;

% Now, let's look at the singular values for multiplicative (relative)
% errors (using the 'mult' option of |hankelsv|)

hsv_mult = hankelsv(GG,'mult');
title('Multiplicative-Error Singular Values of the Model (G)');
xlabel('Number of States')
ylabel('Singular Values (\sigma_i)')

% *Figure 4:* Multiplicative-error singular values of the model (G)

% A 26th-order model looks promising, but for the sake of comparison to
% the previous result, let's stick to a 10th order reduction. 

% Use bstmr algorithm option for model reduction 
[Gr_mult,info_mult] = reduce(GG,10,'algorithm','bst');

%now compare the original model G to the reduced model Gr_mult
bode(G,Gr_add,Gr_mult,{1e-2,1e4}), grid on
title('Comparing Original (G) to the Reduced models (Gr\_add and Gr\_mult)')
legend('G - 48-state original ','Gr\_add (balancmr)','Gr\_mult (bstmr)','location','northeast')

% *Figure 5:* Comparing original (G) to the reduced models (Gr_add and
% Gr_mult)

% The fit between the original and the reduced models is much better with
% the multiplicative-error approach, even at low frequencies. We can
% confirm this by comparing the step responses:  

step(G,Gr_add,Gr_mult,15) %step response until 15 seconds
legend('G: 48-state original ','Gr\_add: 10-state (balancmr)','Gr\_mult: 10-state (bstmr)')

% *Figure 6:* Step responses of the three models

%% Validating the Results 
% All algorithms provide bounds on the approximation error. For
% additive-error methods like |balancmr|, the approximation error
% is measured by the peak (maximum) gain of the error model
% |G-Greduced| across all frequencies. This peak gain is also known
% as the H-infinity norm of the error model. The error bound for 
% additive-error algorithms looks like:
% $$\| G-Gr_{add} \|_\infty \leq  2 \sum_{i=11}^{48} \sigma_i := ErrorBound$$
% where the sum is over all discarded Hankel singular values of |G| (entries 
% 11 through 48 of |hsv_add|). We can verify that this bound is satisfied 
% by comparing the two sides of this inequality:

norm(G-Gr_add,inf) % actual error

% theoretical bound (stored in the "ErrorBound" field of the "INFO" 
% struct returned by |reduce|)

% For multiplicative-error methods such as |bstmr|, the approximation error
% is measured by the peak gain across frequency of the relative error model
% |G\(G-Greduced)|. The error bound looks like
% $$\|G^{-1}(G-Gr_{mult}) \|_\infty \leq  \prod_{i=11}^{48}(1+2\sigma_i(\sigma_i+\sqrt{1+\sigma^2_i}))-1 := ErrorBound$$
% where the sum is over the discarded *multiplicative* Hankel singular
% values computed by |hankelsv(G,'mult')|. Again we can compare these bounds
% for the reduced model |Gr_mult|

norm(GG\(GG-Gr_mult),inf) % actual error

% Theoretical bound 

% Plot the relative error for confirmation
grid on
text(0.1,-50,'Peak Gain: -4.6 dB (59%) at 17.2 rad/s')
title('Relative error between original model (G) and reduced model (Gr\_mult)')

% *Figure 7:* Relative error between original model (G) and reduced model
% (Gr_mult)

% From the relative error plot above, there is up to 59% relative error 
% at 17.2 rad/s, which may be more than we're willing to accept.

%% Picking the Lowest Order Compatible with a Desired Accuracy Level    
% To improve the accuracy of |Gr_mult|, we'll need to increase the 
% order. To achieve at least 5% relative accuracy, what is the 
% lowest order we can get? The function |reduce| can automatically
% select the lowest-order model compatible with our desired
% level of accuracy.

% Specify a maximum of 5% approximation error
[Gred,info] = reduce(GG,'ErrorType','mult','MaxError',0.05);

% The algorithm has picked a 34-state reduced model |Gred|.
% Compare the actual error with the theoretical bound:

% Look at the relative error magnitude as a function of frequency.
% Higher accuracy has been achieved at the expense of a larger model
% order (from 10 to 34). Note that the actual maximum error is 0.6%,
% much less than the 5% target. This discrepancy is a result of the
% function |bstmr| using the error bound rather than the actual error to
% select the order.

grid on
text(5,-75,'Peak Gain: -43.3 dB (0.6%) at 73.8 rad/s')
title('Relative error between original model (G) and reduced model (Gred)')

% *Figure 8:* Relative error between original model (G) and reduced model
% (Gred)

% Compare the Bode responses
grid on
legend('G - 48-state original','Gred - 34-state reduced')

% *Figure 9:* Bode diagram of the 48-state original model and the 34-state
% reduced model
% Finally, compare the step responses of the original and reduced models.
% They are virtually indistinguishable.

step(G,'b',Gred,'r--',15) %step response until 15 seconds
legend('G: 48-state original ','Gred: 34-state (bstmr)')
text(5,-4e-4,'Maximum relative error <0.05')

% *Figure 10:* Step response plot of the 48-state original model and the 34-state
% reduced model