www.gusucode.com > robust_featured 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robust_featured/mu_demo.m

    %% Robust Stability, Robust Performance and Mu Analysis
% This example shows how to use Robust Control Toolbox(TM) to analyze and
% quantify the robustness of feedback control systems. It also provides 
% insight into the connection with mu analysis and the |mussv| function.

%   Copyright 1986-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% System Description
% Figure 1 shows the block diagram of a closed-loop system.  The plant model
% $P$ is uncertain and the plant output $y$ must be regulated to remain small in
% the presence of disturbances $d$ and measurement noise $n$. 
% <<../mudemo1.png>>
% *Figure 1:* Closed-loop system for robustness analysis
% Disturbance rejection and noise insensitivity are quantified by the
% performance objective
% $$\left\| \left( P(1+KP)^{-1}W_d  , (1+PK)^{-1}W_n \right) \right\|_{\infty}$$
% where $W_d$ and $W_n$ are weighting functions reflecting the frequency content
% of $d$ and $n$. Here $W_d$ is large at low frequencies and $W_n$ is large 
% at high frequencies.

Wd = makeweight(100,.4,.15);
Wn = makeweight(0.5,20,100);
title('Performance Weighting Functions')
legend('Input disturbance','Measurement noise')

%% Creating an Uncertain Plant Model
% The uncertain plant model |P| is a lightly-damped, second-order system with
% parametric uncertainty in the denominator coefficients and significant
% frequency-dependent unmodeled dynamics beyond 6 rad/s. The
% mathematical model looks like: 
% $$P(s) = \frac{16}{s^2+0.16 s+k} (1+W_u(s) \delta(s))$$
% The parameter |k| is assumed to be about 40% uncertain, with a nominal
% value of 16. The frequency-dependent uncertainty at the plant input is
% assumed to be about 30% at low frequency, rising to 100% at 10
% rad/s, and larger beyond that. Construct the 
% uncertain plant model |P| by creating and combining the uncertain
% elements:

k = ureal('k',16,'Percentage',30);
delta = ultidyn('delta',[1 1],'SampleStateDim',4);
Wu = makeweight(0.3,10,20);
P = tf(16,[1 0.16 k]) * (1+Wu*delta);

%% Designing a Controller
% We use the controller designed in the example
% "Improving Stability While Preserving Open-Loop Characteristics".  The
% plant model used there happens to be the nominal value of the uncertain
% plant model created above.  For completeness, we repeat the commands used to
% generate the controller.
K_PI = pid(1,0.8);
K_rolloff = tf(1,[1/20 1]);
Kprop = K_PI*K_rolloff;
[negK,~,Gamma] = ncfsyn(P.NominalValue,-Kprop);
K = -negK;

%% Closing the Loop
% Use |connect| to build an uncertain model of the closed-loop system
% of Figure 1.
% Name the signals coming in and out of each block and let |connect|
% do the wiring:

P.u = 'uP';  P.y = 'yP';
K.u = 'uK';  K.y = 'yK';
S1 = sumblk('uP = yK + D');
S2 = sumblk('uK = -yP - N');
Wn.u = 'n'; Wn.y = 'N';
Wd.u = 'd'; Wd.y = 'D';
ClosedLoop = connect(P,K,S1,S2,Wn,Wd,{'d','n'},'yP');

% The variable |ClosedLoop| is an uncertain system with two inputs and
% one output. It depends on two uncertain elements: a real parameter |k|
% and an uncertain linear, time-invariant dynamic element |delta|.


%% Robust Stability Analysis
% The classical margins from |allmargin| indicate good stability robustness
% to unstructured gain/phase variations within the loop.  


% Does the closed-loop system remain stable for all values of |k|, |delta| 
% in the ranges specified above? Answering this question 
% requires a more sophisticated analysis using the |robstab| function.  

[stabmarg,wcu] = robstab(ClosedLoop);

% The variable |stabmarg| gives upper and lower bounds on the *robust
% stability margin*, a measure of how much uncertainty on |k|, |delta| the
% feedback loop can  tolerate before becoming unstable.  For example, a
% margin of 0.8 indicates that as little as 80% of the specified
% uncertainty level can lead to instability. Here the margin is about 1.5,
% which means that the closed loop will remain stable for up to 150% of the
% specified uncertainty. 

% The variable |wcu| contains the combination of |k| and |delta|
% closest to their nominal values that causes instability.  


% We can substitute these values into |ClosedLoop| and verify that these
% values cause the closed-loop system to be unstable.

format short e

% Note that the natural frequency of the unstable closed-loop pole is
% given by |stabmarg.CriticalFrequency|:


%% Connection with Mu Analysis
% The structured singular value, or $\mu$, is the mathematical tool used 
% by |robstab| to compute the robust stability margin. If you are 
% comfortable with structured singular value analysis, you can use 
% the |mussv| function directly to compute mu as a function of frequency
% and reproduce the results above. The function |mussv| is the underlying
% engine for all robustness analysis commands. 
% To use |mussv|, we first extract the |(M,Delta)| decomposition of the 
% uncertain closed-loop model |ClosedLoop|, where |Delta| is a 
% block-diagonal matrix of (normalized) uncertain elements.
% The 3rd output argument of |lftdata|, |BlkStruct|, describes the block-diagonal
% structure of |Delta| and can be used directly by |mussv|

[M,Delta,BlkStruct] = lftdata(ClosedLoop);

% For robust stability analysis, only the channels of |M| associated
% with the uncertainty channels are used.  Based on the row/column size of
% |Delta|, select the proper columns and rows of |M|. Remember that the
% rows of |Delta| correspond to the columns of |M|, and vice versa.
% Consequently, the column dimension of |Delta| is used to specify the rows
% of |M|:    

szDelta = size(Delta);
M11 = M(1:szDelta(2),1:szDelta(1));

% In its simplest form, mu-analysis is performed on a finite grid of 
% frequencies. Pick a vector of logarithmically-spaced frequency points
% and evaluate the frequency response of |M11| over this
% frequency grid.

omega = logspace(-1,2,50);
M11_g = frd(M11,omega);

% Compute |mu(M11)| at these frequencies and plot the resulting lower and
% upper bounds: 

mubnds = mussv(M11_g,BlkStruct,'s');

LinMagopt = bodeoptions;
LinMagopt.PhaseVisible = 'off'; LinMagopt.XLim = [1e-1 1e2]; LinMagopt.MagUnits = 'abs';
xlabel('Frequency (rad/sec)');
ylabel('Mu upper/lower bounds');
title('Mu plot of robust stability margins (inverted scale)');

% *Figure 3:* Mu plot of robust stability margins (inverted scale)

% The robust stability margin is the reciprocal of the structured singular
% value. Therefore upper bounds from |mussv| become lower bounds
% on the stability margin. Make these conversions and find the
% destabilizing frequency where the mu upper bound peaks (that is, where
% the stability margin is smallest):  

[pkl,wPeakLow] = getPeakGain(mubnds(1,2));
[pku] = getPeakGain(mubnds(1,1));
SMfromMU.LowerBound = 1/pku;
SMfromMU.UpperBound = 1/pkl;
SMfromMU.CriticalFrequency = wPeakLow;

% Compare |SMfromMU| to the bounds |stabmarg| computed with |robstab|. 
% The values are in rough agreement with |robstab| yielding slightly weaker
% margins. This is because |robstab| uses a more sophisticated approach 
% than frequency gridding and can accurately compute the peak value of 
% |mu| across frequency.


%% Robust Performance Analysis
% For the nominal values of the uncertain elements |k| and |delta|, the 
% closed-loop gain is less than 1:


% This says that the controller |K| meets the disturbance rejection and noise
% insensitivity goals. But is this nominal performance maintained in the
% face of the modeled uncertainty? This question is best answered
% with |robgain|.

opt = robOptions('Display','on');
[perfmarg,wcu] = robgain(ClosedLoop,1,opt);

% The answer is negative: |robgain| found a perturbation amounting to only
% 40% of the specified uncertainty that drives the closed-loop gain to 1.


% This suggests that the closed-loop gain will exceed 1 for 100% of the 
% specified uncertainty. This is confirmed by computing the worst-case gain:

wcg = wcgain(ClosedLoop)

% The worst-case gain is about 1.6. This analysis shows that while 
% the controller |K| meets the disturbance rejection and noise insensitivity 
% goals for the nominal plant, it is unable to maintain this level of
% performance for the specified level of plant uncertainty.