www.gusucode.com > robust_featured 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robust_featured/ncfsyn_demo.m

    %% Improving Stability While Preserving Open-Loop Characteristics
% This example shows how to use Robust Control Toolbox(TM) function |ncfsyn| to
% improve the stability robustness of a closed-loop system while approximately
% maintaining the high-gain and low-gain characteristics of the open-loop
% response.

%   Copyright 1986-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Plant Model
% The plant model is a lightly-damped, second-order system
% $$\frac{16}{s^2+0.16 s+16}$$
% A Bode plot clearly shows the resonant peak.
P = tf(16,[1 0.16 16]);

%% Closed-Loop Objectives and Initial Controller Design
% The closed-loop system should 
% * Be insensitive to noise, including 60dB/decade attenuation beyond 20 rad/sec
% * Have integral action, and a sensitivity bandwidth of at least 0.5 rad/sec
% * Have gain-crossover frequencies no larger than 7
% We can translate these requirements into a desired shape for the open-loop gain
% and seek a controller that enforces this shape. For example, a controller
% |Kprop| consisting of a PI term in series with a high-frequency lag component
% achieves the desired loop shape:

K_PI = pid(1,0.8);
K_rolloff = tf(1,[1/20 1]);
Kprop = K_PI*K_rolloff;
bodemag(P*Kprop); grid
% The desired high-frequency rolloff, integral action, and location of the
% gain-crossover frequency are all evident from the graph.
% Unfortunately, this controller *does not stabilize* the closed-loop
% system, as evidenced by the |Stable| field from the |allmargin| calculation.

%% Closed-loop Stability and Margin Improvement Using |ncfsyn|
% The command |ncfsyn| can be used to obtain closed-loop stability and
% improved stability margins without significant degradation in
% the large (>>1) and small (<<1) gain regions of the open-loop
% response.  A value of |Gamma| (the 3rd output argument) less than 3 indicates
% success (modest gain degradation along with acceptable
% robustness margins).  Note that
% |ncfsyn| assumes positive feedback so you must flip the sign of |Kprop|.  The new
% controller, K, stabilizes the nominal dynamics, and appears to have
% decent robustness margins, at least when measured in the classical sense.

[negK,~,Gamma] = ncfsyn(P,-Kprop);
K = -negK;   % flip sign back

% As expected, the closed-loop is stable, and with |Gamma| less than 2, the 
% gain and phase margins are adequate by rule-of-thumb standards.

%% Bode Magnitude of Controllers
% |Gamma| gives an indication of the gain degradation (in going from |Kprop|
% to |K|) we should expect,
% both the in the large and small loop-gain regions.  With |Gamma|
% approximately 2, we expect only about 6dB (20*log10(Gamma)) gain reduction
% in the large loop-gain regions, and no more than 6dB gain increase in the small
% loop-gain regions.  Bode magnitude plots confirm this.
bodemag(Kprop,'r',K,'g'); grid
legend('Proposed Controller, Kprop','Redesigned Controller, K')
title('Controller Gains')
bodemag(P*Kprop,'r',P*K,'g'); grid
title('Open-Loop Gains')
% *Figure 1:* Controller and Open-Loop gains

%% Closed-Loop Response to Impulse at the Plant Input
% An impulsive disturbance at the plant input is damped out effectively in
% a few seconds.  For comparison, the uncompensated plant response is also
% shown.
TF = 4;
title('Plant response, y, to impulse at plant input')
legend('Closed-Loop Control action, u')
% *Figure 2:* Controller and Open-Loop gains

%% Sensitivity and Complementary Sensitivity Functions
% Finally, the closed-loop Sensitivity and Complementary Sensitivity
% functions show the desired sensitivity reduction and high-frequency noise
% attenuation expressed in the closed-loop performance objectives.
S = feedback(1,P*K);
T = 1-S;

%% Conclusions
% In this example, the function |ncfsyn| is used to adjust a proposed
% controller in order to achieve closed-loop stability, while attempting to
% maintain the general large and small loop-gain characteristics of the
% open-loop function |PK|.