www.gusucode.com > robust_featured 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robust_featured/usim_demo.m

    %% Robustness Analysis in Simulink
% This example shows how to use Simulink(R) blocks and helper functions
% provided by Robust Control Toolbox(TM) to specify and analyze uncertain 
% systems in Simulink and how to use these tools to perform Monte Carlo 
% simulations of uncertain systems.

%   Copyright 1986-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Introduction
% The Simulink model |usim_model| consists of an uncertain plant in feedback 
% with a sensor:


% The plant is a first-order model with two sources of uncertainty:
% * Real pole whose location varies between -10 and -4
% * Unmodeled dynamics which amount to 25% relative uncertainty at low frequency rising to 100% uncertainty at 130 rad/s.  
% The feedback path has a cheap sensor which is modeled by a first-order 
% filter at 20 rad/s and an uncertain gain ranging between 0.1 and 2. 
% To specify these uncertain variables, type

% First-order plant model
unc_pole = ureal('unc_pole',-5,'Range',[-10 -4]);
plant = ss(unc_pole,5,1,1);

% Unmodeled plant dynamics
input_unc = ultidyn('input_unc',[1 1]);
wt = makeweight(0.25,130,2.5);

% Sensor gain
sensor_gain = ureal('sensor_gain',1,'Range',[0.1 2]);

%% Simulink Blocks for Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis
% The |RCTblocks| library contains blocks to model and analyze uncertainty 
% effects in Simulink. To open the library, type 


% The |Uncertain State Space| block lets you specify uncertain linear systems 
% (USS objects). |usim_model| contains three such blocks which are highlighted 
% in blue. The dialog for the "Plant" block appears below.
% <<../usim_demo_dialog.png>>
% In this dialog box, 
% * The "Uncertain system variable" parameter specifies the uncertain plant model (first-order model with uncertain pole |unc_pole|).
% * The "Uncertainty value" parameter specifies values for the block's uncertain variables (|unc_pole| in this case). 
% |uval| is a structure whose field names and values are the 
% uncertain variable names and values to use for simulation.
% You can set |uval| to |[]| to use nominal values for the uncertain 
% variables or vary |uval| to analyze how uncertainty affects the model
% responses. 

% The |MultiPlot Graph| block is a convenient way to visualize the
% response spread as you vary the uncertainty. This block superposes
% the simulation results obtained for each uncertainty value.

%% Monte Carlo Simulation of Uncertain Systems
% To easily control the uncertainty value used for simulation, |usim_model| uses  
% the same "Uncertainty value" |uval| in all three 
% |Uncertain State Space| blocks. Setting |uval| to |[]|  
% simulates the closed-loop response for the nominal values of  
% |unc_pole|, |input_unc|, and |sensor_gain|:

uval = [];   % use nominal value of uncertain variables
sim('usim_model',10);   % simulate response

% To analyze how uncertainty affects the model responses, you can use the 
% |ufind| and |usample| commands to generate random values of |unc_pole|, 
% |input_unc|, and |sensor_gain|. First 
% use |ufind| to find the |Uncertain State Space| blocks in |usim_model| and 
% compile a list of all uncertain variables in these blocks:

[uvars,pathinfo] = ufind('usim_model');
uvars          % uncertain variables

pathinfo(:,1)  % paths to USS blocks 

% Then use |usample| to generate uncertainty values |uval| consistent with
% the specified uncertainty ranges. For example, 
% you can simulate the closed-loop response for 10 random values of
% |unc_pole|, |input_unc|, and |sensor_gain| as follows:

for i=1:10;
   uval = usample(uvars);   % generate random instance of uncertain variables
   sim('usim_model',10);   % simulate response

% The |MultiPlot Graph| window now shows 10 possible responses of the uncertain
% feedback loop. Note that each |uval| instance is a structure containing
% values for the uncertain variables |input_unc|, |sensor_gain|, and |unc_pole|:

uval  % sample value of uncertain variables

%% Randomized Simulations
% If needed, you can configure the model to use a different uncertainty value |uval|  
% for each new simulation. To do this, add |uvars| to the Base or Model
% workspace and attach the |usample| call to the model InitFcn:

bdclose('usim_model'), open_system('usim_model')
% Write the uncertain variable list in the Base Workspace
% Modify the model InitFcn
set_param('usim_model','InitFcn','uval = usample(uvars);'); 

% Simulate ten times (same as pressing "Start simulation" ten times)
for i=1:10;

% Clean up

% Again the |MultiPlot Graph| window shows 10 possible responses of the uncertain
% feedback loop. 

%% Linearization of Uncertain Simulink Models
% If you have Simulink Control Design(TM), you can use the same workflow
% to linearize and analyze uncertain systems in the frequency domain. For example, you can 
% plot the closed-loop Bode response for 10 random samples of the model 
% uncertainty:

clear sys
wmax = 50;  % max natural frequency for unmodeled dynamics (input_unc)
for i=1:10;
   uval = usample(uvars,1,wmax);
   sys(:,:,i) = linearize('usim_model'); 

title('Ten linearizations of usim\_model');

% If the operating point is independent of the uncertain variables, 
% a faster approach is to compute an uncertain linearization (USS object) 
% in one shot using the |ulinearize| command:

usys = ulinearize('usim_model')

% You can then sample the uncertain state-space model |usys| 
% to generate a similar Bode plot:

title('Ten linearizations of usim\_model');