www.gusucode.com > robust_featured 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > robust_featured/uss_demo.m

    %% Building and Manipulating Uncertain Models
% This example shows how to use Robust Control Toolbox(TM) to build
% uncertain state-space models and analyze the robustness of feedback
% control systems with uncertain elements.   
% We will show how to specify uncertain physical parameters and 
% create uncertain state-space models from these parameters.  You will 
% see how to evaluate the effects of random and worst-case parameter
% variations using the functions |usample| and |robstab|.

% Copyright 1986-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Two-Cart and Spring System 
% In this example, we use the following system consisting of two frictionless 
% carts connected by a spring |k|:
% <<../cartspic.png>>

% *Figure 1:* Two-cart and spring system.

% The control input is the force |u1| applied to the left cart. The output
% to be controlled is the position |y1| of the right cart.  The feedback 
% control is of the following form:
% $$u_1 = C(s) (r-y_1)$$
% In addition, we use a triple-lead compensator:
% $$C(s)=100 (s+1)^3/(0.001s+1)^3$$
% We create this compensator using this code:

s = zpk('s'); % The Laplace 's' variable
C = 100*ss((s+1)/(.001*s+1))^3;

%% Block Diagram Model
% The two-cart and spring system is modeled by the block diagram shown below.
% <<../cartslft.png>>

% *Figure 2:* Block diagram of two-cart and spring model. 

%% Uncertain Real Parameters
% The problem of controlling the carts is complicated by the fact that the
% values of the spring constant |k| and cart masses |m1,m2| are known with
% only 20% accuracy: $k=1.0 \pm 20\%$ , $m1=1.0 \pm 20\%$ , and $m2=1.0 \pm
% 20\%$. To capture this variability, we will create three uncertain real
% parameters using th |ureal| function:

k = ureal('k',1,'percent',20);
m1 = ureal('m1',1,'percent',20);
m2 = ureal('m2',1,'percent',20);

%% Uncertain Cart Models
% We can represent the carts models as follows: 
% $$G_1(s) = \frac{1}{m_1 s^2}, \;\;\; G_2(s) = \frac{1}{m_2 s^2}$$
% Given the uncertain parameters |m1| and |m2|, we will construct uncertain
% state-space models (USS) for G1 and G2 as follows:

G1 = 1/s^2/m1;
G2 = 1/s^2/m2;

%% Uncertain Model of a Closed-Loop System
% First we'll construct a plant model |P| corresponding to the block
% diagram shown above (|P| maps u1 to y1):
% Spring-less inner block F(s)
F = [0;G1]*[1 -1]+[1;-1]*[0,G2]

% Connect with the spring k 
P = lft(F,k)

% The feedback control u1 = C*(r-y1) operates on the plant |P| as 
% shown below:
% <<../cartsfeedback.png>>

% *Figure 3:* Uncertain model of a closed-loop system. 
% We'll use the |feedback| function to compute the closed-loop transfer
% from r to y1. 

% Uncertain open-loop model is
L = P*C

% Uncertain closed-loop transfer from r to y1 is
T = feedback(L,1)

% Note that since |G1| and |G2| are uncertain, both |P| and |T| are
% uncertain state-space models.

%% Extracting the Nominal Plant
% The nominal transfer function of the plant is

Pnom = zpk(P.nominal)

%% Nominal Closed-Loop Stability
% Next, we evaluate the nominal closed-loop transfer function |Tnom|,
% and then check that all the poles of the nominal system have negative
% real parts: 

Tnom = zpk(T.nominal);
maxrealpole = max(real(pole(Tnom)))

%% Robust Stability Margin
% Will the feedback loop remain stable for all possible values of |k,m1,m2|
% in the specified uncertainty range? We can use the |robstab| function
% to answer this question rigorously.
% Show report and compute sensitivity
opt = robOptions('Display','on','Sensitivity','on');
[StabilityMargin,wcu] = robstab(T,opt);

% The report indicates that the closed loop can tolerate up to three times as
% much variability in |k,m1,m2| before going unstable. It also provides
% useful information about the sensitivity of stability to each parameter.
% The variable |wcu| contains the smallest destabilizing parameter
% variations (relative to the nominal values).


%% Worst-Case Performance Analysis
% Note that the peak gain across frequency of the closed-loop transfer |T|
% is indicative of the level of overshoot in the closed-loop step response.
% The closer this gain is to 1, the smaller the overshoot.
% We use |wcgain| to compute the worst-case gain |PeakGain| of |T| over the 
% specified uncertainty range.

[PeakGain,wcu] = wcgain(T);

% Substitute the worst-case parameter variation |wcu| into |T| to 
% compute the worst-case closed-loop transfer |Twc|.

Twc = usubs(T,wcu);         % Worst-case closed-loop transfer T

% Finally, pick from random samples of the uncertain parameters and 
% compare the corresponding closed-loop transfers with the worst-case 
% transfer |Twc|.

Trand = usample(T,4);         % 4 random samples of uncertain model T
subplot(211), bodemag(Trand,'b',Twc,'r',{10 1000});  % plot Bode response
subplot(212), step(Trand,'b',Twc,'r',0.2);           % plot step response

% *Figure 4:* Bode diagram and step response. 

% In this analysis, we see that the compensator C performs robustly for the
% specified uncertainty on k,m1,m2.