www.gusucode.com > rptgen 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > rptgen/ScaleImagetoFitMarginsandTableEntryExample.m

    %% Scale Image to Fit Margins andTable Entry  

% This example inserts an image in a paragraph and in a table entry using
% the ScaleToFit property on the image. The table entry uses a Height and
% Width property. You need at least one of these properties on the entry
% or inherited from the row, section, or parent table. 
import mlreportgen.dom.*

d = Document('Scale to Fit Example','pdf');

% Insert explanatory text in report
p = Paragraph(['Set the image style to ScaletoFit with ',...
     'img.Style = {ScaleToFit(true)}']);

% Create the image object and set ScaleToFit property
img = Image(which('ngc6543a.jpg'));
img.Style = {ScaleToFit};

% Explanatory text
p = Paragraph(['Scale image to fit the table cell, Set the ',...
    'height and width on the table with:']);
p.Style = {PageBreakBefore};

% Create the table, setting height and width
% Create the image object and set ScaleToFit property
append(d,'table.entry(1,1).Style = {Height(''1in''), Width(''1in'')}');
img = Image(which('ngc6543a.jpg'));
img.Style = {ScaleToFit};
table = Table({img, Paragraph('Entry 2')});
table.Border = 'solid';
table.Width = '2in';
table.entry(1,1).Style = {Height('1in'), Width('1in')};
table.entry(1,2).Border = 'solid';
