www.gusucode.com > signal 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > signal/CreateADatabaseOfSlepianSequencesExample.m

    %% Create a Database of Slepian Sequences
% Construct the first four discrete prolate spheroidal sequences of length
% 512. Specify a time half bandwidth product of 2.5. Use them to create a
% database of Slepian sequences, |dpss.mat|, in the current working
% directory. The output variable, |status|, is 0 if there is success.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

seq_length = 512;
time_halfbandwidth = 2.5;
num_seq = 4;
[dps_seq,lambda] = dpss(seq_length,time_halfbandwidth);
status = dpsssave(time_halfbandwidth,dps_seq,lambda)