www.gusucode.com > signal 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > signal/FindLocalMaximaInDataExample.m

    %% Find Peaks in Data
% Use |findpeaks| to find values and locations of local maxima in a set of
% data.
% The file |spots_num.mat| contains the average number of sunspots observed
% every year from 1749 to 2012. The data are available from NASA.
% Find the maxima and their years of occurrence. Plot them along with the
% data.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.


[pks,locs] = findpeaks(avSpots);

axis tight

% Some peaks are very close to each other. The ones that are not recur at
% regular intervals. There are roughly five such peaks per 50-year period.
% To make a better estimate of the cycle duration, use |findpeaks| again,
% but this time restrict the peak-to-peak separation to at least six years.
% Compute the mean interval between maxima.

[pks,locs] = findpeaks(avSpots,'MinPeakDistance',6);

axis tight


cycles = diff(locs);
meanCycle = mean(cycles)

% It is well known that solar activity cycles roughly every 11 years. Check
% by using the Fourier transform. Remove the mean of the signal to
% concentrate on its fluctuations. Recall that the sample rate is measured
% in years. Use frequencies up to the Nyquist frequency.

Fs = 1;
Nf = 512;

df = Fs/Nf;
f = 0:df:Fs/2-df;

trSpots = fftshift(fft(avSpots-mean(avSpots),Nf));

dBspots = 20*log10(abs(trSpots(Nf/2+1:Nf)));

yaxis = [20 85];
plot(f,dBspots,1./[meanCycle meanCycle],yaxis)
xlabel('Frequency (year^{-1})')
ylabel('| FFT | (dB)')
axis([0 1/2 yaxis])
text(1/meanCycle + .02,25,['<== 1/' num2str(meanCycle)])

% The Fourier transform indeed peaks at the expected frequency, confirming
% the 11-year conjecture. You also can find the period by locating the
% highest peak of the Fourier transform.

[pk,MaxFreq] = findpeaks(dBspots,'NPeaks',1,'SortStr','descend');

Period = 1/f(MaxFreq)

hold on
hold off
legend('Fourier transform','1/meanCycle','1/Period')

% The two estimates coincide quite well.