www.gusucode.com > signal 案例源码程序 matlab代码 > signal/FormantEstimationWithLPCCoefficientsExample.m

    %% Formant Estimation with LPC Coefficients
% This example shows how to estimate vowel formant frequencies using linear
% predictive coding (LPC). The formant frequencies are obtained by finding
% the roots of the prediction polynomial.
% This example uses the speech sample mtlb.mat, which is part of Signal
% Processing Toolbox(TM). The speech is lowpass-filtered. Because of the
% low sampling frequency, this speech sample is not optimal for this
% example. The low sampling frequency limits the order of the
% autoregressive model you can fit to the data. In spite of this
% limitation, the example illustrates the technique for using LPC
% coefficients to determine vowel formants.

% Load the speech signal. The recording is a woman saying "MATLAB". The
% sampling frequency is 7418 Hz.

load mtlb

% The MAT file contains the speech waveform, mtlb, and the sampling
% frequency, |Fs|.
% Use the |spectrogram| function to identify a voiced segment for analysis.

segmentlen = 100;
noverlap = 90;
NFFT = 128;

title('Signal Spectrogram')

% Extract the segment from 0.1 to 0.25 seconds for analysis. The extracted
% segment corresponds roughly to the first vowel, /ae/, in "MATLAB".

dt = 1/Fs;
I0 = round(0.1/dt);
Iend = round(0.25/dt);
x = mtlb(I0:Iend);

% Two common preprocessing steps applied to speech waveforms before linear
% predictive coding are windowing and pre-emphasis (highpass) filtering.
% Window the speech segment using a Hamming window.

x1 = x.*hamming(length(x));

% Apply a pre-emphasis filter. The pre-emphasis filter is a highpass
% all-pole (AR(1)) filter.

preemph = [1 0.63];
x1 = filter(1,preemph,x1);

% Obtain the linear prediction coefficients. To specify the model order,
% use the general rule that the order is two times the expected number of
% formants plus 2. In the frequency range, [0,|Fs|/2], you expect three
% formants. Therefore, set the model order equal to 8. Find the roots of
% the prediction polynomial returned by |lpc|.

A = lpc(x1,8);
rts = roots(A);

% Because the LPC coefficients are real-valued, the roots occur in complex
% conjugate pairs. Retain only the roots with one sign for the imaginary
% part and determine the angles corresponding to the roots.

rts = rts(imag(rts)>=0);
angz = atan2(imag(rts),real(rts));

% Convert the angular frequencies in rad/sample represented by the
% angles to Hz and calculate the bandwidths of the formants.
% The bandwidths of the formants are represented by the distance of the
% prediction polynomial zeros from the unit circle.

[frqs,indices] = sort(angz.*(Fs/(2*pi)));
bw = -1/2*(Fs/(2*pi))*log(abs(rts(indices)));

% Use the criterion that formant frequencies should be greater than 90 Hz
% with bandwidths less than 400 Hz to determine the formants.

nn = 1;
for kk = 1:length(frqs)
    if (frqs(kk) > 90 && bw(kk) <400)
        formants(nn) = frqs(kk);
        nn = nn+1;

% The first three formants are 869.70, 2026.49, and 2737.95 Hz.
% *References*
% [1] Snell, Roy C., and Fausto Milinazzo. "Formant location from LPC
% analysis data." IEEE(R) Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing. Vol.
% 1, Number 2, 1993, pp. 129-134.
% [2] Loizou, Philipos C. "COLEA: A MATLAB Software Tool for Speech
% Analysis."